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adlermanager 24.6.1
A self-hostable status webpage that uses Prometheus alerts to create and
maintain service status and incident tracking / customer information flow.
Prometheus is awesome!
And AlertManager and Grafana are quite wonderful too, but they expose
too much information.
This project allows you to choose which alerts/statistics get published in
a fashion suitable for user-facing status pages.
I want it!
The easiest way to manage dependencies for deployment and development is with
On Debian-based systems: sudo apt install pipenv
On FreeBSD: pkg install py39-pipenv (or devel/py-pipenv from ports)
The actual dependencies are:
Using Pipenv you can install them for development with:
pipenv install --dev
And for deployment with:
pipenv install
This is done via environment variables, Pipenv will import them from a .env
file in the root of this repo.
You can use dotenv.example as a base for your settings:
cp dotenv.example .env
Review the available settings and their descriptions, particularly you will
want to check DATA_DIR and SSH_KEYS_DIR.
SSH access
In order to access AdlerManager via SSH, you will need to add your public SSH
key in authorized_keys format to:
And give yourself access to the given site, by adding your username to its
ssh_users list.
To run the server for development you can one of the following commands:
# Using twistd
# https://docs.twisted.org/en/stable/core/howto/basics.html#twistd
pipenv run twistd -ny app.py
# Running as a module
python -m adlermanager
And for deployment, you can use [twistd][twistd] itself to run the process
in the background or any other daemon watching strategy of your liking
(including e.g. runit or systemd).
[twistd]: https://docs.twisted.org/en/stable/core/howto/basics.html#twistd
After that with the defaults you will have the public status web visible in
http://localhost:8080 and the ssh interface in localhost port 2222
which you can access with ssh -p 2222 USER@localhost.
How does it work?
We aim to solve that by using the same source of information to publish
only the desired state/statistics.
1. Pretend to be an AlertManager
This is done by accepting POST requests from Prometheus on
/api/v1/alerts, see
https://prometheus.io/docs/alerting/clients/ docs.
2. Structure Alerts into Services and Components
3. Web only lists alerts configured for AdlerManager (public!)
4. Keep track of incidents
5. Allow for public updates / accountability (via SSH!)
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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