ai-virtual-assistant 1.0.4

Creator: bradpython12

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aivirtualassistant 1.0.4

AI virtual assitant
It is a terminal-based virtual assistant especially made for competitive programming. It has a lot of features, including running python or c++ file, parsing problem set with test cases and test against all the cases in one click, test with brute force solution, and many more. It will help you to boost your programming skill and help you to do a good performance in the programming contest.
It can give voice reply and take your voice command. You can turn off or on these features. Basic settings can be easily changed from config option.
For installing write the given commands,

pip3 install wheel


pip3 install ai-virtual-assistant

I recommand after installing checkout the config file.
The config can be open by the given command,

jarvis -config

Programming Features

Run c++ or python program
Competitive Companion Support
parse problemset
generate file with template
test code against testcases
add testcase
bruteforce test solution
login online judge
submit code
Parse contest
Cf tool mode

Other Features

Speaking Capability
taking voice command
Speech Recognition
Ai to answer quesion
goto any website
solving math
wiki search
google search
YouTube search & play videos
install python module
learn from answer
download files
access from anywhere

setup competitive companion

Run python or cpp program
Any python or c++ files from the current directory can be run using one command. The command is given below,

jarvis -r "file_name"


Cp -r "file_name"

If you don't specify the file_name, it will list all the available python and c++ files in the current directory and you have to choose.
You can run in debug mode. Debug mode is running C++ file with custom flags. The command for running in debug mode is given below,

Cp -r -d

If you want to run the program more than one time you can do that. I thing this is one of the useful command because it helps to check mulitple tests in just one command and one compilation , that saves time. The command for running more than one time is given below,

Cp -r -'number of times'

If you want to keep executable file after running, you can use '-c' command,
An example is given below,

Cp -r -c -3 'file_name'

with debug,

Cp -r -cd -3 'file_name'

it will run jarvis in debug mode and it will run 3 times. And after execution, it will keep the executable file.

Parsing Problem from online judge
Competitive Companion support makes parsing problems really very easy. Just give the command,

jarvis -cp parse


Cp parse


jarvis -cp listen


Cp listen

Here -cp represent competitive programming,
It will start listening, then you can just click the competitive companion browser extension. It will parse the problem.
After parsing there will create a new folder according to the contest name and in that folder will be another folder according to the problem name. And it will contain all the sample test cases of that problem.

Also, the problem can be parsed without competitive companion though I don't recommend this. the command is given below,

jarvis -cp parse link


Cp parse link

There is another way possible for parsing problem using id, which only works for
codeforces. The command is,

Cp parse id

After giving the command it will ask for the problem URL. Just give the URL,it will parse the problem. There will be created a folder according to the problem name. And it will contain all the sample test cases of that problem.
If you want to automtically open in editor after parsing you need to specify your editor from config option. By default it is set as None.

Generate File with Template
You can easily generate your file with the template by the given command,

jarvis -cp -t "file_name"


Cp -t "file_name"

If you don't specify the file_name it will be automatically created as "sol.cpp". You can create a python or c++ file.
You have to specify your template path. Just open config file and find template_path and give your path for c++ and python.
You can use variables in your template file which you will be replaced,
variable available,

will be replaced by your name. It can be specified in coder_name in config file. Otherwise just change boss name from config. Boss name will be automatically mirrored to the coder_name.
will be replaced by your file creating time and date.
Example :
Template file,
* author: $%CODER%$
* created: $%DATE_TIME%$

using namespace std;

int main(){

return 0;

Genarated file,
* author: Saurav Paul
* created: Jun 06 2020 9:05 PM

using namespace std;

int main(){

return 0;

Test solution
After parsing problem set, the solution can be tested by the given command,

jarvis -cp test "filename"


Cp test "filename"

Giving filename is optional
It will run all the sample and custom cases from the test folder(Test folder contains all the sample cases after parsing problem set) and check whether your solution is passed. It will show the taken time for running each case. If your code failed any test cases it will show the differences between the correct answer and your output. If every case passed then it will show passed.
It is not necessary to have a parsed problem set for using this command. You can make a test folder and add input(.in) and output(.out) case into that folder and then run this command.

Cp test --show

This command will show full datails even solution passed against testcases.

Add Testcase
Adding testcase is really very easy. Just give the command,

jarvis -cp add


Cp add

Yes, that simple :sunglasses: .
It will ask for input and output for your new case. Then it will add this case.
Test solution with bruteforce
If you have any doubts about your optimal solution, then you can write a brute-force solution and write a random test case generator. You can test your optimal solution with a brute force solution using a random test case.
For that, you need three files.
1. Main solution
2. Bruteforce solution
3. Testcase Generator (My AI can generate it automatically)

Then run this command,

jarvis -cp brute


Cp brute

It will ask for the number of times you want to generate random test cases and test solutions (Stress).
It will match output with the brute-force solution's output. If it failed, it will show the differences and ask you to add this to your test case so that you can test this later. Otherwise, it will show Accepted :smile: .

Generate testcase generator automatically
Test case generator can be generated using the given command,

jarvis -cp gen


Cp gen

It will analyze all the sample cases and generate case generator) automatically. Yes, sometimes it might fail (In case of complex test cases).
In this case, you have to write a generator manually (You can write in python or c++).
There is also one command, to generate, brute.cpp(empty file) and sol.cpp(with your template). The command is given below,

jarvis -cp setup


Cp setup

Login and submit to online Judge
For login write the given command,

jarvis -cp login


Cp login

It will open login page in browser. You need webdriver for that purpose.
Install webdriver for your browser. It's really very easy.
For submitting code just write the given command,

jarvis -cp submit


Cp submit

N.B.: I have used online-judge-api-client for login and submitting codes.

Parsing contest
Parsing contest is the same as parsing problems using the competitive companion. Just write command,

jarvis -cp parse


Cp parse

then it will start listening, then just open the contest link and click the browser extension, it will parse all the problems and create a folder for each contest with their test cases.
Also, the contest can be parsed without competitive companion though I don't recommend this. the command is given below,

jarvis -cp parse contest


Cp parse contest

It will ask for the contest link. Then it will parse all the problems.
cf tool mode
If you use cf tool for submiting and racing contest. You can use enable this mode.
If cf tool mode is enable it will use cf-tool for submitting problem in codeforces.
You can enable this mode from config option.
Open problem page in browser
You can open problem in browser by the given command,

Cp open

You have to be in problem folder.
Open standing page in browser
You can open standing page in browser by the given command,

Cp stand


Cp stand

You have to be in problem folder.

Speaking and voice command
This ai can speak with you. It will reply in voice and text both. You can toggle them from config.
You can also give voice commands. But you have turned this feature on from config.
For opening config option just write the following command,

jarvis -config

Speech Recognition
Jarvis can recognize the speech using google voice recognition API.
AI to answer question
As the name suggests you can have chat with it. You can ask jarvis a question, it will reply to you with his intelligence.
goto website
To be honest this is one of my favorite features. You can ask Jarvis to go to any websites as with wish. It will open that in your browser.
The command is given below,

Jarvis goto "website name"

It will open codeforces contest page for you. Basically, you can ask him to go to any website you want.
It is okay to make some typing mistakes while writing a website name. It will still find it out.

Solve Math
This ai can solve simple math. Just ask him to solve it will solve it for you.
The command is given below,

jarvis solve ( "math" )

wiki search
For searching something on wikipedia the command is given below,

jarvis search wikipedia "your text"

Search google
For searching something on google the command is given below,

jarvis search google "your text"

Search youtube
For searching something on youtube the command is given below,

jarvis search youtube "your text"

Play video on youtube

jarvis play youtube "song name"

Download Files
For downloading the command is given below,

jarvis download

Then it will ask for the download link.

If you want to change settings, write the given command,

jarvis -config

Competitive companion
Competitive companion is a browser extension that helps to parse problems from various online judges in just one click.
For setting the competitive companion, you have to install the extension to your browser. Just search google, you will find the extension.
By default this project listens on port 10043, which is a port Competitive Companion already sends parsed problems to by default. If you change the port this project listens on for problems received from Competitive Companion, you'll need to make sure Competitive Companion is properly configured to send problems to that port. To do this, right-click on the extension icon and click "Manage Extension". Then go to "Preferences" and add the port to the "Custom ports" field.
To open config write the following command,

jarvis -config

Pre-requirements :


For installing write the given commands,

pip3 install wheel


pip3 install ai-virtual-assistant

I recommand after installing checkout the config file.
The config can be open by the given command,

jarvis -config

N.B : It works fine on Linux. It also should work on Mac os. Unfortunately, it has some problems with windows. If you want to install on windows, you have to install it via WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux).
If you want to contribute on this project you are welcome.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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