aiida-core-bot 1.0.0b5

Creator: bradpython12

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aiidacorebot 1.0.0b5

Automated Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Computational
AiiDA is a sophisticated framework designed from scratch to be a
flexible and scalable infrastructure for computational science. Being
able to store the full data provenance of each simulation, and based on
a tailored database solution built for efficient data mining
implementations, AiiDA gives the user the ability to interact seamlessly
with any number of HPC machines and codes thanks to its flexible plugin
interface, together with a powerful workflow engine for the automation
of simulations.
The official homepage is at
The code is hosted on GitHub at
The documentation is hosted on Read The Docs at:

stable version
develop version

Which branch should you use?

Users: the stable version of the code is in the master
Developers: the procedure to contribute through pull-requests
can be found in the

How to cite AiiDA
If you use AiiDA in your research, please consider citing the following

Giovanni Pizzi, Andrea Cepellotti, Riccardo Sabatini, Nicola Marzari,
and Boris Kozinsky, AiiDA: automated interactive infrastructure and
database for computational science, Comp. Mat. Sci 111, 218-230

The terms of the AiiDA license can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
This work is supported by the MARVEL National Centre for Competency in
Research funded by the Swiss National
Science Foundation, as well as by the MaX
European Centre of Excellence funded by
the Horizon 2020 EINFRA-5 program, Grant No. 676598.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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