algebraixlib 1.4

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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algebraixlib 1.4



What Is It?
algebraixlib is a library that provides constructs and facilities to harness the fundamentals
of data algebra. Data algebra consists of mathematical constructs that can represent all data, no
matter how it is structured, and the operations on that data. With this, all the advantages of a
mathematically rigorous modeling can be unleashed. See also
A Beginner’s Introduction to Data Algebra.

Getting Started

Make sure you have the required versions of Python and Jupyter Notebook installed (see
Requirements below).
Install the algebraixlib library (see How to Install below).
Download the examples from our GitHub repository.
Try the Hello_World.ipynb example first.

(Alternatively, you can also look at a static version of the notebooks in nbviewer; see the
README file in our examples directory for direct links. For this you don’t need to install or
download anything. You can also start with the simpler However, you’ll lose out
on some math and need to read up on it in our documentation at Read the Docs. )

Documentation and Support

Find documentation at Read the Docs.
Find the pip installer on PyPI.
Find the source code, the bugtracker and contribute on GitHub.
Find tutorials and example code in the examples directory on GitHub.
Post questions about algebraixlib on Stack Overflow using the tag [algebraixlib].
Post questions about the mathematics of data algebra on math.stackexchange using the tag
Contact us by email.

See also our GitHub project page. In addition, there is a book about data algebra.

Detailed Instructions


Python: Tested with 3.6.1. Likely to run with Python 3.6.x and later. It may run with earlier
Python 3 versions, but you may run into issues. Does not run with any version of Python before
Python 3.

For installing and using multiple versions of Python on the same machine, see
Official multiple python versions on the same machine? (Stack Overflow),
How to install both Python 2.x and Python 3.x in Windows 7 (Stack Overflow) and
A Python Launcher For Windows (Python Insider).

Jupyter Notebook: Tested with Jupyter 5.2 (used in the Jupyter notebook tutorials and

See Jupyter Installation for instructions how to install the Jupyter notebook
(pip install jupyter).
If you don’t want Jupyter in your system environment, you can install it into a virtual
environment (see Creation of virtual environments).

How to Install
If you already have Python installed and are familiar with installing packages, you can install
algebraixlib with pip:
> pip install algebraixlib
Additional user permissions may be necessary to complete the installation. In such a situation,
other options include installing the package for a single user (in the user’s home directory):
> pip install algebraixlib --user <username>
or in a virtual environment (see Creation of virtual environments).
You can also manually download algebraixlib from GitHub or PyPI. To install from a
download, unpack it and run the following command from the top-level source directory (the
directory that contains the file
> python install
(The same considerations about permissions apply.)

Unit Tests
The unit tests require the following libraries to be installed:


To execute the unit tests, download the file and the directory test into any
location on your system, then run
> mkdir algebraixlib-test
> cd algebraixlib-test
> svn export
> svn export
> python

Documentation Build
The documentation build requires the following libraries be installed:

Sphinx (1.3.2 or later)

To run a documentation build, you need a local working copy of our complete GitHub repository.
Then run in the directory docs:
> mkdir algebraixlib
> cd algebraixlib
> svn export
> cd trunk/docs
> python


Copyright(c) 2017 Algebraix Data Corporation.

algebraixlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License is published along
with algebraixlib on GitHub. Otherwise, see GNU licenses.

algebraixlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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