algoseek-connector 2.1.4

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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algoseekconnector 2.1.4

Algoseek Connector

A wrapper library for ORM-like SQL builder and executor.
The library provides a simple pythonic interface to algoseek datasets with custom data filtering/selection.
Supported Features
The following query operations on datasets are supported:

Selecting columns and arbitrary expressions based on columns
Filtering by column value/column expression
Grouping by column(s)
Sorting by column(s)
All common arithmetic, logical operations on dataset columns and function application
Fetching query results as a pandas DataFrame

algoseek-connector is available on the Python Package Index. Install it using
the pip command:
pip install algoseek-connector

Documentation is available here.
Dev installation
algoseek-connector is installed using Poetry.
A Makefile recipe is available to install the package in developer mode along
with developer dependencies:
make dev-install

If make is not available, run:
poetry install --with dev,docs
pre-commit install

Refer to the README inside the tests directory.
Building the docs
The documentation is generated using the sphinx library. First, install
the necessary dependencies with the following command:
poetry install --with docs

Build the documentation using the Makefile located in the docs directory:
make html

Publishing to pypi
In order to pubish a new package version to pypi:

update library version in pyproject.toml (note, we use semantic versioning with where version numbers correspond to major, minor and patch)
run poetry build to create a package
configure your pypi credentials for poetry with poetry config http-basic.pypi <username> <password>
run poetry publish to publish the library to PyPI


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