alien-jdl2makeflow 0.0.5

Creator: bradpython12

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alienjdl2makeflow 0.0.5

Run AliEn JDLs on multiple platforms
using Makeflow.

Makeflow needs to be
installed on your system. Makeflow is part of the Cooperative Computing
tools (cctools). To install it, download the latest version of
cctools then
unpack, compile and install it (we are assuming 6.1.1 is the latest,
check the download page first):
cd /tmp
curl -L | tar xzf -
cd cctools-*-source/
./configure && make -j10
sudo make install
Run the last command (make install) as root to install it
system-wide. Adjust -j10 to the number of parallel cores you want to
use during the build. If you do not have root privileges:
cd /tmp
curl -L | tar xzf -
cd cctools-*-source/
./configure --prefix=$HOME/cctools && make -j10 && make install
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/cctools/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/cctools/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
We are installing under ~/cctools but you can use the directory you
want. Also, we are assuming your shell configuration file is
~/.bashrc, adjust it according to your shell.

Get jdl2makeflow
As easy as:
sudo pip install alien-jdl2makeflow
If you cannot install it as root, you will probably have to export some
Python variables to make it work. If you have a user installation of
some Python distribution like
Anaconda this is probably
already done for you.

Basic usage
Get and configure the JDL used to run a Monte Carlo on AliEn, and all
the required files. Normally you would only require the Custom.cfg
file. The JDL can contain variable overrides in a way that AliEn will
ignore them and they will only be considered by the Makeflow workflow:
this allows you to keep a single JDL that works both locally and on the
jdl2makeflow /path/to/job.jdl
By default, it will print a summary and create all necessary files under
a working directory called work (override with -w). You then
need to move to the working directory and run:
cd work

Relevant JDL variables
Not all JDL variables are used for local use, and some of them are
interpreted in a different way.

Executable: the AliEn path of the executable to run. For local
use, we will only consider the program name and strip the path, and
search for it in the following directories in order:

full path first
basename (must be in $PATH)
current working directory

SplitArguments: arguments to pass to the executable.
InputFile: list of files that need to be made available in the
job’s working directory for the job to run. Only the basename of the
file will be considered and it will be searched for in the current
directory. No AliEn access will be performed.
Output: a list telling what of the files produced by the job need
to be copied to the destination. Files can also be placed in zip
archives. See the example JDL for more information.
OutputDir: the output directory for each job. This is normally an
AliEn path, but locally we can either specify a XRootD path
(root://...) or a local path. Note that XRootD paths might
require authentication information to be available to the job.
Packages: packages to be loaded in the Grid environment. They are
expected from CVMFS, and CVMFS must be available locally. You can
also use local installations for testing, see SourceEnvScript
JDLVariables: list of arbitrary variables from the JDL that will
be exported in the job’s environment. The variable name will be
altered. If, for instance, you want to export the JDL variable
ArbitraryVar, this will be available to your jobs as
ALIEN_JDL_ARBITRARYVAR. The same convention is used by AliEn for
Grid jobs.
Split: determine how many jobs have to be run of the kind
specified by the JDL. The syntax production:123-456 tells the
script to run jobs with a different ID from 123 to 456 included
(that’s 334 jobs). You will probably want to change it for local use
as the range is very large on the Grid. The job index is made
available to some other variables through the #alien_counter#
variable, see below.

Since the same JDL will be used for running many jobs, it is in some
cases useful to distinguish between output directories, and to tell the
job what is its index. You can use in variable values:

#alien_counter#: will be replaced with the job index
#alien_counter_05i#: will be replaced with the job index
zero-padded to 5 digits (any format supported by printf can be
specified of course)

See the examples for more information.

Extra JDL variables
The following JDL variables are interpreted only by jdl2makeflow and
will be ignored by AliEn.

SourceEnvScript: path to an environment script to be sourced in
order to load the required packages. If this script is defined, it
will be automatically loaded by each job, and Packages will be
ignored. This is useful for local development when one wants to test
changes with a local AliRoot build. If SourceEnvScript is
specified, CVMFS is not required for packages.
ExtraVariables: same as JDLVariables, but the variables
listed (which must be defined in the JDL) will be exported in the job
environment as-is, with their name not manipulated. So, the variable
ArbitraryVar will be exported as ArbitraryVar.
NextStages: the toplevel JDL runs several jobs of the same kind,
but other tiers of processing will follow (merging stages mostly).
This list tells the local workflow what are the next stages (order
does not matter). For the moment, only the values FinalQA and
SpacePointCalibration are supported. This variable allows you to
run those stages without supplying their respective JDLs (parameters
will be deduced from the current one and modified accordingly).
QADetectorInclude: string with a list of space-separated detector
names to be included when generating the QA plots. Leave empty for
including all detectors. In order to expose it to the job you must
add it to JDLVariables.
QADetectorExclude: exclude detectors from QA plots. Same format
as QADetectorInclude. Has to be added to JDLVariables too.
DontArchive: set it to 1 to store output files, as specified
in Output, as they are, without compressing them. Useful for
SaveAll: set it to 1 to save all files produced by jobs,
ignoring Output completely. Files will not be compressed in zip
files. Useful for debug.

Overriding JDL variables
AliEn JDL files have variables of type “string” and “list”:
StringVar = "this is a string";
ListVar = { "this", "is", "a", "list" };
In the most common case you need to override some variables for the
local use. For instance, the variable OutputDir represents the AliEn
output directory and does not have any sense locally. You can override
every variable by defining a new variable with the same name and
_override appended:
OutputDir = "/alien/path/not/making/sense/locally";
OutputDir_override = "/home/myuser/joboutput";
The latter will be considered by Makeflow. You can also append to
strings and lists. For instance, the SplitArguments variable is a
string representing the arguments to pass to the executable, but in the
local scenario you might want to pass more arguments. Appends work the
same as overrides, but you will use the _append name at the end:
SplitArguments = "--run 244411 --mode full --uid #alien_counter# --nevents 200 --generator Pythia8_Monash2013 --trigger Custom.cfg";
SplitArguments_append = " --ocdb $OCDB_PATH";
or, you need to provide the input directory with credential
InputFile = { "LF:/alice/" };
InputFile_append = { "my-proxy" };

Bugs and issues
This project was originally conceived to run ALICE Monte Carlos locally,
or on local batch farms (including
Mesos!) with Makeflow,
using the exact same JDL files one would use on the AliEn Grid.
Its support is therefore very limited to the ALICE Monte Carlo use
cases, but we are extending it to support more use cases more flexibly.
In case of problems please open an



For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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