allescacher 0.10

Creator: bradpython12

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allescacher 0.10

Like @functools.cache / @functools.lru_cache but with non-hashable objects
Tested against Windows 10 / Python 3.11 / Anaconda
pip install allescacher
Cache Everything Decorator
This module provides a decorator cache_everything
that can be used to cache the results of function calls.
It uses a dictionary to store cached results and allows
customization of cache size and eviction strategy.
Unlike some caching mechanisms that rely on hashable arguments,
the "cache_everything" decorator accepts a wide range
of argument types, including non-hashable objects,
complex data structures, and even functions as arguments.
This means you can cache the results of functions that
operate on mutable or unhashable input data,
making it suitable for a broader set of use cases.
For example, if your function operates on lists,
dictionaries, or custom objects, you can still
apply the decorator without the need to convert
these inputs into hashable forms. This flexibility simplifies
the caching process and allows you to cache results
efficiently for functions that work with diverse and
potentially non-hashable data.
To cache the results of a function, decorate it with `@cache_everything`.

import numpy as np
import random
from allescacher import cache_everything, cache_dict_module

cache_dict_module.maxsize = None
cache_dict_module.del_min_used = True

def getnparray(l):
return np.array(l) / 10 * 3

done = []
for _ in range(1000):
getnparray([random.randint(0, 10) for x in range(random.randint(1, 5))])

# Clear the cache for the 'getnparray' function

Module Variables:
- `cache_dict_module`: A module-level variable used to store the cache dictionary.
- `cache_dict_module.cache_dict`: The cache dictionary where cached results are stored.
- `cache_dict_module.maxsize`: The maximum size of the cache (None for unlimited).
- `cache_dict_module.del_min_used`: A flag to determine whether to evict the least-used cache entry.

- `@cache_everything`: Decorates a function to enable caching of its results.

- `cache_everything(f_py=None)`: The decorator function that can be used to cache function results.

This module provides a flexible caching mechanism that can be applied to functions to improve performance by
retrieving cached results for known input arguments, reducing the need for redundant computations.


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