allianceauth-mumbletemps 3.0.2

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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allianceauthmumbletemps 3.0.2

Mumble Temp Links

This does nothing on its own you also need to update your authenticator to my
fork found here.
More on that in the setup instructions below!

This Alliance Auth module lets you give temp access to your mumble service with ease.


Alliance Auth Plugin

Step 1: Install the Package
Step 2: Configure Alliance Auth
Step 3: Finalizing the Installation

Mumble Authenticator
Restart services and you're done.


Management and Creation
OPTIONAL Login Screen (Non SSO mode)
Templink User View

A user with the create permission creates a link and copies it to the people who need access,
TempLink users will be given the group Guest, mumble ACL's can be setup to restrict access as required.
The mumble chat command !kicktemps will purge the mumble server of all temp users, if they still have a valid Templink they will be able to reconnect until it either expires or is removed from the tool. Only members who have the Kick User permission can use the command.

️This is assuming you already have configured a fully functioning mumble service.

Alliance Auth Plugin
Step 1: Install the Package
Make sure you're in the virtual environment (venv) of your Alliance Auth installation. Then install the latest release directly from PyPi.
pip install allianceauth-mumbletemps

Step 2: Configure Alliance Auth
You need to add 'mumbletemps', to your INSTALLED_APPS and APPS_WITH_PUBLIC_VIEWS in the file of your Alliance Auth installation.
This is fairly simple, configure your AA settings ( as follows:
# Your other apps are here as well

# Other apps with public views might live here

CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE["mumbletemps_tidy_up_temp_links"] = {
"task": "mumbletemps.tasks.tidy_up_temp_links",
"schedule": crontab(minute="*/5"),

If you don't have a list for APPS_WITH_PUBLIC_VIEWS yet, then add the whole block
from here. This feature has been added in Alliance Auth v3.6.0, so you might not yet
have this list in your

Step 3: Finalizing the Installation
Run static files collection and migrations.
python collectstatic --noinput
python migrate

Mumble Authenticator
To update your mumble authenticator if you git cloned the original repo, we will add my branch as a remote and check out the updated code.

️It is a good idea to back up your authenticator.ini file before starting.

cd into the folder you have the authenticator code in.
git status to confirm it is a git repo, and the correct place.
git remote add upstream to add the remote.
git fetch upstream to grab the updates.
git checkout upstream/master to roll over to my code.
Restart your authenticator with supervisor.

The authenticator.log should show something like:
Starting AllianceAuth mumble authenticator V:1.0.0 - TempLinks

If you are on the correct branch and version, if not, you may still be running the default auth version and will need to investigate why. Users will get prompted for passwords when they try to connect with a temp link, and you are not running this version. The Authenticator version needs to match this version!

If you did not use the git clone method of installing the authenticator,
copy the contents of my forkfound here
on top of your current installation.


Setting this to False will allow users to auth with the non-sso method

Display Name Prefix for an SSO'd temp user in mumble

Display Name Prefix for a non-SSO'd temp user in mumble

Restart services and you're done.
Restart your Alliance Auth instance to apply the changes.
sudo systemctl restart supervisor.service


Admin Site
Auth Site

Can create and delete Temp Links.

Management and Creation

OPTIONAL Login Screen (Non SSO mode)

Templink User View


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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