amane 1.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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amane 1.0.1

Amane is an instant mailing list manager. Its basic idea has come from
QuickML ( but it’s not the same.
QuickML is a common easy-to-use mailing list manager, but Amane has
been developed to manage requests by email. So Amane is a kind of
ticket management system like Redmine.

Difference between QuickML and Amane

Mail destination to create a new mailing list

QuickML: the first mail account will be used for further posts.
Amane: it has a specific mail account to create the new one.
When a mail received, a new mail account will be created and used.

On Amane, you can define staff members to register new mailing
lists automatically. They can’t be removed via member-removing
Amane supports multi-tenancy. Each tenant has a mail account to
create mailing lists, subject prefix, staff members, various message
On Amane, each post will have a system message as an attachment. It
can contain basic mailing-list usage and a list of members.

Difference between Redmine and Amane

Redmine is web-based, but Amane is mail-based.
Redmine users can customize ticket status, but Amane users cannot.
Redmine users can define importance of tickets, but Amane users
Redmine users can define ticket workflows, but Amane users cannot.

How to use Amane

Creating a new ticket
Send a mail to the specific mail address (e.g. *1)
to create new one. Amane will create a new mailing list with its own
mail address (e.g. and forward the initial
mail to members including addresses at To:, Cc: and From: except *1.

Making a new post
Send a mail to the mailing list address (e.g.

Register new members
Send a mail with new addresses as Cc: to the mailing list address.

Unregister members
Send a mail with empty Subject: and addresses to be removed as Cc:
to the mailing list address.

Closing the ticket
Send a mail with “Subject: close” to the mailing list address.

How to install Amane
Run commands below:
# yum install mongodb-server
# pip install amane

How to configure Amane
Amane has 2 confiugration files.

Amane confiugration file (/etc/amane/amane.conf)
A YAML file like below:
db_name: amane
db_url: mongodb://localhost/
relay_host: localhost
relay_port: 25
listen_port: 25
log_file: /var/log/amane.log

db_url, db_name … URI and DB name of MongoDB
relay_host, relay_port … IP address and port number of the
external SMTP server (relay host) for sending posts
listen_address, listen_port …IP address and port number that
amane_smptd will listen
log_file … Path to a log file used by Amane commands
domain … Domain name of the mail addresses amane_smtpd will

Tenant confiugration file
A YAML file like below:
charset: iso-2022-jp
ml_name_format: ml-%06d
new_ml_account: ask
days_to_close: 7
days_to_orphan: 7
readme_msg: |
Please send posts to {{ ml_address }}.
To register new members: send a post with their mail addresses as Cc:
To unregister members: send a post with their mail addresses as Cc: and empty Subject:
To close a mailing list: send a post with "Subject: close"
Current members (except staffs):
{{ members | join('\r\n') }}
welcome_msg: |
{{ mailfrom }} has created a new ticket. Please send further posts to {{ ml_address }}.
To register new members: send a post with their mail addresses as Cc:
To unregister members: send a post with their mail addresses as Cc: and empty Subject:
To close a mailing list: send a post with "Subject: close"
Current members (except staffs):
{{ members | join('\r\n') }}
add_msg: |
{{ mailfrom }} has registered members below:
{{ cc | join('\r\n') }}
To register new members: send a post with their mail addresses as Cc:
To unregister members: send a post with their mail addresses as Cc: and empty Subject:
To close a mailing list: send a post with "Subject: close"
Current members (except staffs):
{{ members | join('\r\n') }}
remove_msg: |
{{ mailfrom }} has unregistered members below:
{{ cc | join('\r\n') }}
Current members and staffs only can register them again.
To register new members: send a post with their mail addresses as Cc:
To unregister members: send a post with their mail addresses as Cc: and empty Subject:
To close a mailing list: send a post with "Subject: close"
Current members (except staffs):
{{ members | join('\r\n') }}
goodbye_msg: |
{{ mailfrom }} has closed this ticket. Please send a post {{ new_ml_address }} for a new ticket.
Current members (except staffs):
{{ members | join('\r\n') }}
reopen_msg: |
{{ mailfrom }} has reopened this ticket.
To register new members: send a post with their mail addresses as Cc:
To unregister members: send a post with their mail addresses as Cc: and empty Subject:
To close a mailing list: send a post with "Subject: close"
Current members (except staffs):
{{ members | join('\r\n') }}
report_subject: Daily status report
report_msg: |
Today's status:

New Tickets
{% for m in new -%}
- ml_name: {{ m.ml_name }} subject: {{ m.subject }}
created: {{ m.created }} updated: {{ m.updated }} by: {{ }}
{% endfor %}

Open Tickets
{% for m in open -%}
- ml_name: {{ m.ml_name }} subject: {{ m.subject }}
created: {{ m.created }} updated: {{ m.updated }} by: {{ }}
{% endfor %}

Orphaned Tickets
{% for m in orphaned -%}
- ml_name: {{ m.ml_name }} subject: {{ m.subject }}
created: {{ m.created }} updated: {{ m.updated }} by: {{ }}
{% endfor %}

Recently Closed Tickets
{% for m in closed -%}
- ml_name: {{ m.ml_name }} subject: {{ m.subject }}
created: {{ m.created }} updated: {{ m.updated }} by: {{ }}
{% endfor %}
orphaned_subject: This ticket will be closed soon
orphaned_msg: |
This message was sent automatically.
This ticket will be closed 7 days later if no post is sent.
closed_subject: This ticket was closed
closed_msg: |
This message was sent automatically.
This ticket was closed because it was inactive in the past week.
Please send a post to {{ new_ml_address }} for a new ticket.

admins … List of staff’s mail addresses
charset … Default character set of the message body. For example:
ml_name_format … Format of newly created mailing list account. For
example, “ml-%06d” will cause a mail address like
new_ml_account … A mail account for creating new mailing lists
days_to_orphan … Days from the last post that the system will
change the status of open ticket as “orphaned”
days_to_close … Days that the system will close “orphaned” tickets
welcome_msg … Template of the attached text file for the new
readme_msg … Template of the attached text file for the usual
remove_msg … Template of the attached text file for the posts
removing members
reopen_msg … Template of the attached text file for the reopened
goodbye_msg … Template of the attached text file for the posts
closing tickets
report_subject, report_msg … Subject and message template of daily
status reports for staffs
orphaned_subject, orphaned_msg … Subject and message template of
notification mails on making tickets orphaned automatically
closed_subject, closed_msg … Subject and message template of
notification mails on making tickets closed automatically

You can register a new tenant to the DB like below:
# amanectl tenant create <tenant_name> --yamlfile <tenant_configuration_file>
To modify tenant configuration

Using a modified tenant configuration file:
# amanectl tenant update <tenant_name> --yamlfile <tenant_configuration_file>

Using command line options:
# amanectl tenant update <tenant_name> <option> <new-value> [<option> <new-value> ...]

How to start the service
Run amane_smtpd like below:
# amane_smtpd &


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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