amatino 0.0.19

Creator: coderz1093

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amatino 0.0.19

Amatino Python
Amatino is a double-entry accounting system. It provides double entry accounting as a service via an HTTP API. Amatino Python is a library for interacting with the Amatino API from within a Python application. By using Amatino Python, a Python developer can utilise Amatino services without needing to deal with raw HTTP requests.
About Amatino
Amatino gives you a full set of tools to store, organise and retrieve financial information. You don't need to set up databases or write any of your own double-entry accounting logic. All you need is this library, an Amatino account (Try free for two weeks!), and you are off and running.
Under construction
Right now, the Amatino API offers a full range of accounting services via HTTP requests. However, this Amatino Python library is in an 'Alpha' state. Its capabilities are limited. A subset of full Amatino features are available.
To see what proportion of Amatino features are ready in Amatino Python, check out the Documentation page. Linked classes are available, un-linked ones are still under construction.
Amatino Python may be installed via PIP.
$ pip install amatino

To use Amatino Python, you will need an active Amatino subscription. You can start a free trial at
Example Usage
The first step is to login to Amatino by creating a Session instance. That Session then becomes your key to using Amatino classes.
from amatino import Session

session = Session.create_with_email(
secret='uncrackable epic passphrase!'

Amatino stores financial data inside discrete Entities. An Entity might describe a person, project, company, or some other entity which you wish to describe with financial data.
from amatino import Entity

mega_corporation = Entity.create(
session=session, # Created above
name='Mega Corporation'

Entities are structured as a hierarchical tree of Accounts. You might wish to create a chart of Accounts that mirror the real-world structure of the Entity you are describing.
from amatino import Account

revenue = Account.create(
entity=mega_corporation, # Created above
description='Revenue from world domination',
am_type=AMType.revenue, # An AMType enumeration option
denomination=USD # A GlobalUnit

The real fun begins with Transactions, where debits and credits come into play
from amatino import Transaction, Entry, Side
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal

revenue_recognition = Transaction.create(
Entry(Side.debit, Decimal(10), cash),
Entry(, Decimal(5), revenue),
Entry(, Decimal(5), customer_deposits)

Check out the full range of available classes, including Ledgers, in the Amatino Python documentation
API stability & versioning
Amatino Python obeys the Semantic Version convention. Until v1.0.0, the Python API (not to be confused with the Amatino HTTP API) should be considered unstable and liable to change at any time.

Watch out! API currently unstable!

You can see available versions in GitHub's releases section or in PyPi's release history section.
Tell us what your think/want/like/hate
Please join us on the Amatino discussion forums and give us your feedback. We would love to hear from you. Amatino is in its earliest stages of development, and your feedback will influence the direction it moves in.
Pull requests, comments, issues, forking, and so on are also most welcome on Github!
Useful links

Amatino home
Development blog
Development newsletter
Discussion forum
More Amatino client libraries
HTTP Documentation
Python Documentation
Billing and account management
About Amatino Pty Ltd

Get in contact
To quickly speak to a human about Amatino, email or yell at him on Twitter (@hugh_jeremy).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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