amazon-page-parser 0.1.4

Creator: coderz1093

Last updated:

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amazonpageparser 0.1.4

Currently supported detail fields are:

title - Title
author - Array of authors
feature_bullets - Array of feature bullets
book_description - description under offer information
product_description - description under editorial review
images - Array of images
star - Average star of custom reviews
reviews - Custom Reviews count
rank - Sales Rank in top browse node
categories - Browse nodes trees, multiple tree pathes are concated by ';'
details - Details are key, value pairs.

Offer listing fields are:

price - Product price
shipping_price - Shipping price
condition - Condition
subcondition - Subcondition
condition_comments - Condition comments
available - Whether product is currently available, or needs pre-ordered
prime - Whether shipping supports prime options
expected_shipping - Whether shipping support expected options
seller_name - Seller name
seller_rating - Seller rating
seller_feedbacks - Seller feedback count
seller_stars - Seller stars count
offer_listing_id - Offer listing ID

Tracking fields are:

carrier - Carrier name
tracking_id - Tracking number
is_shipped - Whether order is shipped

The simplest way is to install it via pip:
pip install amazon-page-parser

Run Test
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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