ambrozia 0.1.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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ambrozia 0.1.2

Ambrosia is a Python library for A/B tests design, split and effect
measurement. It provides rich set of methods for conducting full
A/B test pipeline.
An experiment design stage is performed using metrics historical data
which could be processed in both forms of pandas and spark dataframes
with either theoretical or empirical approach.
Group split methods support different strategies and multi-group split,
which allows to quickly create control and test groups of interest.
Final effect measurement stage is conducted via testing tools that
are able to return relative and absolute effects and construct corresponding
confidence intervalsfor continious and binary variables.
Testing tools as well as design ones support significant number of
statistical criteria, like t-test, non-parametric, and bootstrap.
For additional A/B tests support library provides features and tools
for data preproccesing and experiment acceleration.

Key functionality

Pilots design ✈
Multi-group split 🎳
Matching of new control group to the existing pilot 🎏
Getting the experiments result evaluation as p-value, point estimate of effect and confidence interval 🎞
Experiments acceleration 🎢

For more details, see the Documentation
and Tutorials.

Stable version is released on every tag to main branch.
pip install ambrozia
Ambrosia requires Python 3.7+


from ambrozia.designer import Designer
designer = Designer(dataframe=df, effects=1.2, metrics='portfel_clc') # 20% effect, and loaded data frame df'size')

from ambrozia.splitter import Splitter
splitter = Splitter(dataframe=df, id_column='id') # loaded data frame df with column with id - 'id', method='simple')

from ambrozia.tester import Tester
tester = Tester(dataframe=df, column_groups='group') # loaded data frame df with groups info 'group''retention', method='theory', criterion='ttest')

To install all requirements run
make install
You must have python3 and poetry installed.
For autoformatting run
make autoformat
For linters check run
make lint
For tests run
make test
For coverage run
make coverage
To remove virtual environment run
make clean

Developers and evangelists:

Bayramkulov Aslan
Khakimov Artem
Vasin Artem


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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