amltk 1.12.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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amltk 1.12.1

AutoML Toolkit
A framework for building an AutoML System. The toolkit is designed to be modular and extensible, allowing you to
easily swap out components and integrate your own. The toolkit is designed to be used in a variety of different
ways, whether for research purposes, building your own AutoML Tool or educational purposes.
We focus on building complex parametrized pipelines easily, providing tools to optimize these pipeline parameters and
lastly, providing tools to schedule compute tasks on a variety of different compute backends, without the need to
refactor everything, once you swap out any one of these.
The goal of this toolkit is to drive innovation for AutoML Systems by:

Allowing concise research artifacts that can study different design decisions in AutoML.
Enabling simple prototypes to scale to the compute you have available.
Providing a framework for building real and robust AutoML Systems that are extensible by design.

Please check out our documentation for more:

Documentation - The homepage
Guides - How to use the Pipelines, Optimizers and Schedulers in
a walkthrough fashion.
Reference - A short-overview reference for the various components
of the toolkit.
Examples - A collection of examples for using the toolkit in
different ways.
API - The full API reference for the toolkit.

To install AutoML Toolkit (amltk), you can simply use pip:
pip install amltk

We also provide a list of optional dependencies which you can install if you intend to use them.
This allows the toolkit to be as lightweight as possible and play nicely with the tools you use.

pip install amltk[notebook] - For usage in a notebook
pip install amltk[sklearn] - For usage with scikit-learn
pip install amltk[smac] - For using SMAC as an optimizer
pip install amltk[optuna] - For using Optuna as an optimizer
pip install amltk[pynisher, threadpoolctl, wandb] - Various plugins for running compute tasks
pip install amltk[cluster, dask, loky] - Different compute backends to run from

Install from source
To install from source, you can clone this repo and install with pip:
git clone
pip install -e amltk # -e for editable mode

If planning to contribute, you can install the development dependencies but we
highly recommend checking out our contributing guide for more.
pip install -e "amltk[dev]"

Here's a brief overview of 3 of the core components from the toolkit:
Define parametrized machine learning pipelines using a fluid API:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.svm import SVC

from amltk.pipeline import Choice, Component, Sequential

pipeline = (
>> Component(SimpleImputer, space={"strategy": ["mean", "median"]}) # Choose either mean or median
>> OneHotEncoder(drop="first") # No parametrization, no problem
>> Choice(
# Our pipeline can choose between two different estimators
space={"n_estimators": (10, 100), "criterion": ["gini", "log_loss"]},
config={"max_depth": 3},
Component(SVC, space={"kernel": ["linear", "rbf", "poly"]}),

# Parser the search space with implemented or you custom parser
search_space = pipeline.search_space(parser="configspace")
config = search_space.sample_configuration()

# Configure a pipeline
configured_pipeline = pipeline.configure(config)

# Build the pipeline with a build, no amltk code in your built model
model ="sklearn")

Optimize your pipelines using a variety of different optimizers, with a unified API and
a suite of utility for recording and taking control of the optimization loop:
from amltk.optimization import Trial, Metric, History

pipeline = ...
accuracy = Metric("accuracy", maximize=True, bounds=(0. 1))
inference_time = Metric("inference_time", maximize=False)

def evaluate(trial: Trial) -> Trial.Report:
model = pipeline.configure(trial.config).build("sklearn")

# Profile the things you'd like
with trial.profile("fit"):

except Exception as e:
# Generate reports from exceptions easily

# Record anything else you'd like
trial.summary["model_size"] = ...

# Store whatever you'd like{"model.pkl": model, "predictions.npy": predictions}),
return trial.success(accuracy=0.8, inference_time=...)

# Easily swap between optimizers, without needing to change the rest of your code
from amltk.optimization.optimizers.smac import SMACOptimizer
from amltk.optimization.optimizers.smac import OptunaOptimizer
import random

Optimizer = random.choice([SMACOptimizer, OptunaOptimizer])
smac_optimizer = Optimizer(space=pipeline, metrics=[accuracy, inference_time], bucket="results")

# You decide how your optimization loop should work
history = History()
for _ in range(10):
trial = optimizer.ask()
report = evaluate(trial)


Check out our integrated optimizers or integrate your own using the very
same API we use!

Schedule your optimization jobs or AutoML tasks on a variety of different compute backends. By leveraging
compute workers and asyncio, you can easily scale your compute needs, react to events as they happen and
swap backends, without needing to modify your code!
from amltk.scheduling import Scheduler

# Create a Scheduler with a backend, here 4 processes
scheduler = Scheduler.with_processes(4)
# scheduler = Scheduler.with_SLURM(...)
# scheduler = Scheduler.with_OAR(...)
# scheduler = Scheduler(executor=my_own_compute_backend)

# Define some compute and wrap it as a task to offload to the scheduler
def expensive_function(x: int) -> float:
return (2 ** x) / x

task = scheduler.task(expensive_function)

numbers = range(-5, 5)
results = []

# When the scheduler starts, submit 4 tasks to the processes
def on_start():
n = next(numbers)

# When the task is done, store the result
def on_result(_, result: float):

# Easy to incrementently add more functionallity
def launch_next(_, result: float):
if (n := next(numbers, None)) is not None:

# React to issues when they happen
def stop_something_went_wrong(_, exception: Exception):

# Start the scheduler and run it as you like

# ... await scheduler.async_run() for servers and real-time applications

Check out our integrated compute backends or use your own!

Extra Material

AutoML Fall School 2023 Colab


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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