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annaapitestframework 0.1.0
Framework for rapid development of API tests and report generation
Rapid and straightforward development of tests using high-level methods
Generating a report with test results in Allure
The report will be useful for stakeholder
Install my-project with pip:
pip install anna-api-test-framework
from anna import Action, Report, Assert
@Report.epic('Simple tests')
@Report.story('Tests google')
@Report.testcase('', 'Google')'', 'Jast another link')
class TestExample:
@Report.title('Simple test google')
def test_simple_request(self):
url = ''
method = 'GET'
want = 200
# insert discription of the test
Report.description(url=url, method=method, other='other information')
# doing request and geting response
action = Action()
response = action.request(method=method, url=url)
got = response.status_code
# checking response
with Report.step('Checking response'):
text_error='Response status code is not equal to expected'
For run test and generat a report use following commands:
pytest alluredir="./results"
For generat and open a report you need to install Allure and use the following commands:
allure generate "./results" -c -o "./report"
allure open "./report"
After that, the generated report will automatically open in your browser
The report contains all the information you need
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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