ansi-escape-room 1.5.3

Creator: railscoder56

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ansiescaperoom 1.5.3

This is a fork of Colored

Very simple Python library for color and formatting in terminal.
Collection of color codes and names for 256 color terminal setups.
The following is a list of 256 colors for Xterm, containing an example
of the displayed color, Xterm Name, Xterm Number and HEX.

Video Demo

The following colors works with most terminals and terminals emulators.
ANSI/VT100 escape sequences can be used in every programming languages.
|Code | Description |
| 1 | bold |
| 2 | dim |
| 3 | italic |
| 4 | underlined |
| 5 | blink |
| 7 | reverse |
| 8 | hidden |
| 0 | reset |
| 21 | res_bold |
| 22 | res_dim |
| 23 | res_italic |
| 24 | res_underlined |
| 25 | res_blink |
| 27 | res_reverse |
| 28 | res_hidden |
256 Foreground and Background Colors - Full Chart:
|Code | Description |
| 0 | black |
| 1 | red |
| 2 | green |
| 3 | yellow |
| 4 | blue |
| 5 | magenta |
| 6 | cyan |
| 7 | light_gray |
| 8 | dark_gray |
| 9 | light_red |
| 10 | light_green |
| 11 | light_yellow |
| 12 | light_blue |
| 13 | light_magenta |
| 14 | light_cyan |
| 15 | white |
| 16 | grey_0 |
| 17 | navy_blue |
| 18 | dark_blue |
| 19 | blue_3a |
| 20 | blue_3b |
| 21 | blue_1 |
| 22 | dark_green |
| 23 | deep_sky_blue_4a |
| 24 | deep_sky_blue_4b |
| 25 | deep_sky_blue_4c |
| 26 | dodger_blue_3 |
| 27 | dodger_blue_2 |
| 28 | green_4 |
| 29 | spring_green_4 |
| 30 | turquoise_4 |
| 31 | deep_sky_blue_3a |
| 32 | deep_sky_blue_3b |
| 33 | dodger_blue_1 |
| 34 | green_3a |
| 35 | spring_green_3a |
| 36 | dark_cyan |
| 37 | light_sea_green |
| 38 | deep_sky_blue_2 |
| 39 | deep_sky_blue_1 |
| 40 | green_3b |
| 41 | spring_green_3b |
| 42 | spring_green_2a |
| 43 | cyan_3 |
| 44 | dark_turquoise |
| 45 | turquoise_2 |
| 46 | green_1 |
| 47 | spring_green_2b |
| 48 | spring_green_1 |
| 49 | medium_spring_green |
| 50 | cyan_2 |
| 51 | cyan_1 |
| 52 | dark_red_1 |
| 53 | deep_pink_4a |
| 54 | purple_4a |
| 55 | purple_4b |
| 56 | purple_3 |
| 57 | blue_violet |
| 58 | orange_4a |
| 59 | grey_37 |
| 60 | medium_purple_4 |
| 61 | slate_blue_3a |
| 62 | slate_blue_3b |
| 63 | royal_blue_1 |
| 64 | chartreuse_4 |
| 65 | dark_sea_green_4a |
| 66 | pale_turquoise_4 |
| 67 | steel_blue |
| 68 | steel_blue_3 |
| 69 | cornflower_blue |
| 70 | chartreuse_3a |
| 71 | dark_sea_green_4b |
| 72 | cadet_blue_2 |
| 73 | cadet_blue_1 |
| 74 | sky_blue_3 |
| 75 | steel_blue_1a |
| 76 | chartreuse_3b |
| 77 | pale_green_3a |
| 78 | sea_green_3 |
| 79 | aquamarine_3 |
| 80 | medium_turquoise |
| 81 | steel_blue_1b |
| 82 | chartreuse_2a |
| 83 | sea_green_2 |
| 84 | sea_green_1a |
| 85 | sea_green_1b |
| 86 | aquamarine_1a |
| 87 | dark_slate_gray_2 |
| 88 | dark_red_2 |
| 89 | deep_pink_4b |
| 90 | dark_magenta_1 |
| 91 | dark_magenta_2 |
| 92 | dark_violet_1a |
| 93 | purple_1a |
| 94 | orange_4b |
| 95 | light_pink_4 |
| 96 | plum_4 |
| 97 | medium_purple_3a |
| 98 | medium_purple_3b |
| 99 | slate_blue_1 |
| 100 | yellow_4a |
| 101 | wheat_4 |
| 102 | grey_53 |
| 103 | light_slate_grey |
| 104 | medium_purple |
| 105 | light_slate_blue |
| 106 | yellow_4b |
| 107 | dark_olive_green_3a |
| 108 | dark_green_sea |
| 109 | light_sky_blue_3a |
| 110 | light_sky_blue_3b |
| 111 | sky_blue_2 |
| 112 | chartreuse_2b |
| 113 | dark_olive_green_3b |
| 114 | pale_green_3b |
| 115 | dark_sea_green_3a |
| 116 | dark_slate_gray_3 |
| 117 | sky_blue_1 |
| 118 | chartreuse_1 |
| 119 | light_green_2 |
| 120 | light_green_3 |
| 121 | pale_green_1a |
| 122 | aquamarine_1b |
| 123 | dark_slate_gray_1 |
| 124 | red_3a |
| 125 | deep_pink_4c |
| 126 | medium_violet_red |
| 127 | magenta_3a |
| 128 | dark_violet_1b |
| 129 | purple_1b |
| 130 | dark_orange_3a |
| 131 | indian_red_1a |
| 132 | hot_pink_3a |
| 133 | medium_orchid_3 |
| 134 | medium_orchid |
| 135 | medium_purple_2a |
| 136 | dark_goldenrod |
| 137 | light_salmon_3a |
| 138 | rosy_brown |
| 139 | grey_63 |
| 140 | medium_purple_2b |
| 141 | medium_purple_1 |
| 142 | gold_3a |
| 143 | dark_khaki |
| 144 | navajo_white_3 |
| 145 | grey_69 |
| 146 | light_steel_blue_3 |
| 147 | light_steel_blue |
| 148 | yellow_3a |
| 149 | dark_olive_green_3 |
| 150 | dark_sea_green_3b |
| 151 | dark_sea_green_2 |
| 152 | light_cyan_3 |
| 153 | light_sky_blue_1 |
| 154 | green_yellow |
| 155 | dark_olive_green_2 |
| 156 | pale_green_1b |
| 157 | dark_sea_green_5b |
| 158 | dark_sea_green_5a |
| 159 | pale_turquoise_1 |
| 160 | red_3b |
| 161 | deep_pink_3a |
| 162 | deep_pink_3b |
| 163 | magenta_3b |
| 164 | magenta_3c |
| 165 | magenta_2a |
| 166 | dark_orange_3b |
| 167 | indian_red_1b |
| 168 | hot_pink_3b |
| 169 | hot_pink_2 |
| 170 | orchid |
| 171 | medium_orchid_1a |
| 172 | orange_3 |
| 173 | light_salmon_3b |
| 174 | light_pink_3 |
| 175 | pink_3 |
| 176 | plum_3 |
| 177 | violet |
| 178 | gold_3b |
| 179 | light_goldenrod_3 |
| 180 | tan |
| 181 | misty_rose_3 |
| 182 | thistle_3 |
| 183 | plum_2 |
| 184 | yellow_3b |
| 185 | khaki_3 |
| 186 | light_goldenrod_2a |
| 187 | light_yellow_3 |
| 188 | grey_84 |
| 189 | light_steel_blue_1 |
| 190 | yellow_2 |
| 191 | dark_olive_green_1a |
| 192 | dark_olive_green_1b |
| 193 | dark_sea_green_1 |
| 194 | honeydew_2 |
| 195 | light_cyan_1 |
| 196 | red_1 |
| 197 | deep_pink_2 |
| 198 | deep_pink_1a |
| 199 | deep_pink_1b |
| 200 | magenta_2b |
| 201 | magenta_1 |
| 202 | orange_red_1 |
| 203 | indian_red_1c |
| 204 | indian_red_1d |
| 205 | hot_pink_1a |
| 206 | hot_pink_1b |
| 207 | medium_orchid_1b |
| 208 | dark_orange |
| 209 | salmon_1 |
| 210 | light_coral |
| 211 | pale_violet_red_1 |
| 212 | orchid_2 |
| 213 | orchid_1 |
| 214 | orange_1 |
| 215 | sandy_brown |
| 216 | light_salmon_1 |
| 217 | light_pink_1 |
| 218 | pink_1 |
| 219 | plum_1 |
| 220 | gold_1 |
| 221 | light_goldenrod_2b |
| 222 | light_goldenrod_2c |
| 223 | navajo_white_1 |
| 224 | misty_rose1 |
| 225 | thistle_1 |
| 226 | yellow_1 |
| 227 | light_goldenrod_1 |
| 228 | khaki_1 |
| 229 | wheat_1 |
| 230 | cornsilk_1 |
| 231 | grey_100 |
| 232 | grey_3 |
| 233 | grey_7 |
| 234 | grey_11 |
| 235 | grey_15 |
| 236 | grey_19 |
| 237 | grey_23 |
| 238 | grey_27 |
| 239 | grey_30 |
| 240 | grey_35 |
| 241 | grey_39 |
| 242 | grey_42 |
| 243 | grey_46 |
| 244 | grey_50 |
| 245 | grey_54 |
| 246 | grey_58 |
| 247 | grey_62 |
| 248 | grey_66 |
| 249 | grey_70 |
| 250 | grey_74 |
| 251 | grey_78 |
| 252 | grey_82 |
| 253 | grey_85 |
| 254 | grey_89 |
| 255 | grey_93 |
| 256 | default |
256 Colors Foreground (text):

256 Colors Background:

$ pip install ansi-escape-room --upgrade

# Uninstall:

$ pip uninstall ansi-escape-room

None, only Python programming language.

Usage Examples
How to use the module in your own python code:
>>> from colored import fg, bg, attr
>>> print ('%s Hello World !!! %s' % (fg(1), attr(0)))
Hello World !!!
>>> print ('%s%s Hello World !!! %s' % (fg(1), bg(15), attr(0)))
Hello World !!!
Use description:
>>> print ('%s%s Hello World !!! %s' % (fg('white'), bg('yellow'), attr('reset')))
Hello World !!!
>>> print ('%s%s Hello World !!! %s' % (fg('orchid'), attr('bold'), attr('reset')))
Hello World !!!
>>> color = bg('indian_red_1a') + fg('white')
>>> reset = attr('reset')
>>> print (color + 'Hello World !!!' + reset)
Hello World !!!
Or use HEX code:
>>> color = fg('#C0C0C0') + bg('#00005f')
>>> res = attr('reset')
>>> print (color + "Hello World !!!" + res)
Hello World !!!
Or the convenient stylize(text, *styles) wrapper to save some keystrokes:
>>> import colored
>>> from colored import stylize
>>> print(stylize("This is green.", colored.fg("green")))
This is green.
>>> print("This is not.")
This is not.
>>> angry = colored.fg("red") + colored.attr("bold")
>>> print(stylize("This is angry text.", angry))
This is angry text.
>>> print(stylize("This is VERY angry text.", angry, colored.attr("underlined")))
This is VERY angry text.
>>> print("But this is not.")
But this is not.
Or the variant stylize_interactive(text, *styles) for readline-friendliness:
>>> import colored, sys
>>> from colored import stylize_interactive, fg
>>> sys.ps1 = stylize_interactive("myPrompt: ", fg('red'))
Use directly like colorama but with more colors:
>>> from colored import fore, back, style
>>> print (fore.LIGHT_BLUE + back.RED + style.BOLD + "Hello World !!!" + style.RESET)
Import colored module:
>>> import colored
>>> colored.fg(1)
>>> colored.fg(257)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/colored/", line 381, in fg
return colored(color).foreground()
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/colored/", line 350, in foreground
color = self.reserve_paint[str(self.color)]
KeyError: '257'
>>> colored.fore.BLUE



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