ansible-1password-lookup-plugin 0.2.2

Creator: railscoder56

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ansible1passwordlookupplugin 0.2.2

1Password Local Lookup Plugin
This is a simple lookup plugin that search for secrets in a local 1Password database (B5.sqlite format).
It uses the onepassword-local-search python module that
greatly improve performance over querying directly the 1Password servers.
You require:

python 3.7
onepassword-local-search module

pip3 install onepassword-local-search

Example Playbook
- hosts: servers
- role: mickaelperrin.ansible-onepassword-local-lookup-plugin
- debug:
msg: "{{ lookup('onepassword_local', 'p6iyvjqv4xdxw52hsacpkq4rgi', field='name') }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ lookup('onepassword_local', 'c3264cef-1e5e-4c96-a192-26729539f3f5', field='your_custom_field') }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ lookup('onepassword_local', '1234567890', field='password') }}"

Custom uuid feature
uuid in 1Password changes when you move an item from one vault to another. To prevent this issue, a custom uuid mapping feature has been implemented.
You need to add on each item a field named UUID (in capitals).
Then run op-local mapping update to generate the mapping table relationship.
You can display UUID mapping by running op-local mapping list.
As we migrated from Lastpass to 1Password, we have also implemented a UUID mapping feature
related to a field named LASTPASS_ID. If the uuid given is 100% numeric, the search query will be performed over this field.
Tests are managed by pytest for the python part and molecule for the ansible part with docker as driver.
mkvirtualenv3 ansible-onepassword-local-lookup-plugin
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt


Ensure that docker service is up and running
molecule test



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