ansible-pylibssh 1.2.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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ansiblepylibssh 1.2.2

pylibssh: Python bindings to client functionality of libssh specific to Ansible use case

Nightlies @ Dumb PyPI @ GitHub Pages
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They are hosted on a GitHub Pages based index generated
by dumb-pypi.
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$ pip install \
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You need Python 3.6+
pylibssh requires libssh to be installed in particular:

libssh version 0.9.0 and later.
To install libssh refer to its Downloads page.

Building the module
In the local env, assumes there’s a libssh shared library
on the system, build toolchain is present and env vars
are set properly:
$ git clone
$ cd pylibssh
$ pip install tox
$ tox -e build-dists
manylinux-compatible wheels:
$ git clone
$ cd pylibssh
$ pip install tox
$ tox -e build-dists-manylinux1-x86_64 # with Docker

# or with Podman
$ DOCKER_EXECUTABLE=podman tox -e build-dists-manylinux1-x86_64

# to enable shell script debug mode use
$ tox -e build-dists-manylinux1-x86_64 -- -e DEBUG=1

This library is distributed under the terms of LGPL 2 or higher,
see file LICENSE.rst in this repository.



Bug fixes

Downloading files larger than 64kB over SCP no longer fails – by @Jakuje.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:


Bug fixes

Downloading non-existent remote files via SCP no longer crashes the program – by @Jakuje.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:
#208, #325, #620.

Packaging updates and notes for downstreams

The RPM specification now opts out of demanding that the
compiled C-extensions have a Build ID present under EL
– by @webknjaz.
Related commits on GitHub:
9053c1008bb169c8e362a92782d46c7c0d3b1c06, aaa12159b5cdda763a83dcf4ee920510cad83463.

The RPM specification has been updated to pre-build the
vendored copy of setuptools-scm with the isolation
disabled, addressing the build problem in EL 9
– by @webknjaz.
Related commits on GitHub:

The RPM definition now runs import self-checks when it is
built for Fedora Linux – by @webknjaz.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

Contributor-facing changes

RPM builds are now also tested against UBI 9.4 in CI
– by @webknjaz.
Related commits on GitHub:


Packaging updates and notes for downstreams

Substituting the gh role in source distribution long
description has been simplify to stop attempting to make
URLs to arbitrary GitHub addresses – by @webknjaz.
Related commits on GitHub:

The in-tree PEP 517 build backend’s regular expression
has been hotfixed to replace the “project” substitution
correctly – by @webknjaz.
Previously, it was generating a lot of noise instead of a
nice description. But not anymore.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:


Packaging updates and notes for downstreams

The automation now replaces the “project” RST substitution
in the long description and GitHub Discussions/Releases
– by @webknjaz.
Related commits on GitHub:

The CI/CD automation has been fixed to include changelog
updates into source distribution tarballs
– by @webknjaz.
Related commits on GitHub:


Bug fixes

ansible-pylibssh no longer crashes when received EOF or when channel is not explicitly
closed – by @pbrezina.
Previously, ansible-pylibssh crashed if channel.recv was called and libssh
returned SSH_EOF error. It also crashed on some special occasions where
channel was not explicitly closed and the session object was garbage-collected
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:


and SSH_OPTIONS_HOSTKEYS options publicly
– by @Qalthos.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

The request_exec() method was added to the Channel class. It exposes an
interface for calling the respective low-level C-API of the underlying
libssh library – by @pbrezina.
Additionally, the following calls to libssh are now available in the same
class: request_exec(), send_eof(), request_send_signal() and
is_eof which is exposed as a property.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

Improved documentation

Fixed spelling of “Connect” in the Session.connect()
docstring – by @donnerhacke.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

Added a tip to the installation guide
on how to set compiler flags when installing from source
– @webknjaz.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

Fixed the example of invoking remote commands by using
Channel.exec_command() in snippets – by @pbrezina.
Its previously showcased version wasn’t functional.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

Packaging updates and notes for downstreams

A flaw in the logic for copying the project directory into a
temporary folder that led to infinite recursion when TMPDIR
was set to a project subdirectory path. This was happening in Fedora
and its downstream due to the use of pyproject-rpm-macros. It was
only reproducible with pip wheel and was not affecting the
pyproject-build users.
– by @hroncok and @webknjaz
Related commits on GitHub:

From now on, the published distribution package artifacts
for the new releases are signed via Sigstore – by @webknjaz.
This is happening as a part of the GitHub Actions CI/CD
workflow automation and the signatures are uploaded to
the corresponding GitHub Release pages.
Related commits on GitHub:

The platform-specific macOS wheels are now built using the
Python interpreter from They are tagged
with macosx_10_9 – by @webknjaz.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

The toml build time dependency has been replaced with
tomli – by @webknjaz.
The tomli distribution is only pulled in under Python
versions below 3.11. On 3.11 and higher, the standard
library module tomllib is now used instead.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

Started using the built-in setuptools-scm Git archive
support under Python 3.7 and higher – @webknjaz.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

Added support for Python 3.12 – by @Qalthos.
It is now both tested in the CI and is advertised through
the Trove classifiers.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

The Cython build time dependency now has the minimum
version of 3.0 under Python 3.12 and higher
– by @webknjaz.
The previous versions of Cython are still able to build
the project under older Python versions.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

PEP 660 is now enabled – @webknjaz.
Previously, due to restrictive PEP 517 hook reimports,
our in-tree build backend was losing non-PEP 517
hooks implemented in newer versions of setuptools but not
the earlier ones. This is now addressed by reexporting
everything that setuptools exposes with a wildcard.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

The setuptools-scm build dependency CI pin was updated to 8.1.0 —
this version fixes a date parsing incompatibility introduced by Git 2.45.0
(GitHub: pypa/setuptools_scm#1038,
GitHub: pypa/setuptools_scm#1039)
– by @webknjaz.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

Contributor-facing changes

The changelog page for the tagged release builds on
Read The Docs does not attempt showing the draft section
anymore – by @webknjaz.
Related commits on GitHub:

Adjusted the publishing workflow automation to pre-configure
Git before attempting to create a tag when building a
source distribution – by @webknjaz.
Related commits on GitHub:

The CI configuration for building the macOS platform-specific
wheels switched to using cibuildwheel – by @webknjaz.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

The OS-level tox package was upgraded to v3.28.0 in the UBI9
CI runtime – by @Qalthos.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:
#461, #473.

Fixed spelling of “Connect” in the Session.connect()
docstring – by @donnerhacke.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

The Packit CI access to the internet has been restored
– by @Qalthos.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

Started building manylinux_2_28 base images for testing and
packaging in the CI/CD infrastructure – by @Qalthos.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

Switched back to using Cython’s native plugin for measuring
code coverage – by @webknjaz.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

Added separate changelog fragment types for contributor-
and downstream-facing patches – by @webknjaz.
Their corresponding identifiers are contrib and packaging
respectively. They are meant to be used for more accurate
classification, where one would resort to using misc otherwise.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

PEP 660 is now enabled – @webknjaz.
This effectively means that the ecosystem-native editable
install mode started working properly.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

The duplicated jobs matrices for building manylinux wheels
now reside in a single GitHub Actions CI/CD reusable
workflow definition.
– @webknjaz
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

The duplicated jobs matrices of the text jobs now reside in
a single GitHub Actions CI/CD reusable workflow definition.
– @webknjaz
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

Fixed the location of release workflow in the
Release Guide document – by @Qalthos.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

The setuptools-scm build dependency CI pin was updated to 8.1.0 —
this version fixes a date parsing incompatibility introduced by Git 2.45.0
(GitHub: pypa/setuptools_scm#1039,
GitHub: pypa/setuptools_scm#1038)
– by @webknjaz.
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

The CI/CD configuration was fixed to allow publishing
to PyPI and other targets disregarding the test stage
outcome. This used to be a bug in the workflow definition
that has now been fixed.
– by @pbrezina and @webknjaz
Related issues and pull requests on GitHub:

v1.1.0 (2022-12-05)


Started building manylinux wheels with libssh v0.9.6
– by @webknjaz

Deprecations (removal in next major release)

The project stopped being tested under Ubuntu 18.04 VM since
GitHub is sunetting their CI images – by @webknjaz


Added a Release Guide for making new releases
– by @webknjaz


Started testing RPM packaging spec with Packit service
– by @webknjaz and @TomasTomecek
Removed the remains of Python 2 compatiblity code from the in-tree PEP 517 build backend – by @webknjaz
Fixed removing expandvars from pyproject.toml
in an RPM spec – by @webknjaz
Before this patch, the sed invocation removed entire
build-system.requires entry from there, in rare cases
but this won’t be happening anymore.

Declared official support of CPython 3.11 – by @Qalthos
Started shipping sdists built with Cython v0.29.32 – by @webknjaz
Started building RPMs with Cython v0.29.32 – by @webknjaz
Added an SSH connection re-try helper to tests – by @webknjaz

v1.0.0 (2022-09-14)


Added password_prompt argument to connect() to override the default
prompt of “password:” when using keyboard-interactive authentication – by @Qalthos
Added support for :fd: socket option – by @sabedevops


Reworked build scripts to fix manylinux container generation – by @Qalthos
Reenable CI building on s390x – by @Qalthos

v0.4.0 (2022-04-26)


Improved channel.exec_command to always use a newly created ssh_channel to avoid
segfaults on repeated calls – by @Qalthos
Fixed password prompt match in pylibsshext.session.Session.authenticate_interactive()
to strip whitespace, check that the prompt only ends with password:, and added
a little extra logging – by @dalrrard

Backward incompatible changes

Dropped support for Python 2.7 and 3.5, and marked support for 3.10 – by @Qalthos

v0.3.0 (2021-11-03)


Changed sftp.sftp_get to write files as bytes rather than assuming files are valid UTF8 – by @Qalthos


Started building platform-specific manylinux2010, manylinux2014
and manylinux_2_24 wheels for AARCH64, ppc64le and s390x
architectures as introduced by PEP 599 and PEP 600
– @webknjaz
Added gssapi-with-mic support for authentication – by @Qalthos


Correct a link to the pip upgrade doc in our installation guide
– @webknjaz


Started building AARCH64 base images with Buildah+Podman in GitHub
Actions CI/CD – @webknjaz
Switched using pep517 lib to
build CLI – @webknjaz
Restructured the in-tree PEP 517 build backend into multiple
submodules moving the entry-point to pep517_backend.hooks
that also facilitates extraction of user-defined
config_settings passed by the end-user (packager)
via the build CLI command – @webknjaz
Updated manylinux build script to build libssh with GSSAPI
enabled – @Qalthos
Added an initial RPM spec continuously tested in the CI – @webknjaz
Added additional details when SFTP write errors are raised – by @Qalthos
Made auditwheel only keep one platform tag in the produced wheel
names – @webknjaz
Improved manylinux build scripts to expect dual-aliased manylinux tags
produced for versions 1/2010/2014 along with their PEP 600
counterparts after auditwheel repair – @webknjaz
Enabled self-test checks in the RPM spec for Fedora
– @webknjaz
Enabled self-test checks in the RPM spec for CentOS
– @webknjaz
Enabled self-test checks in the RPM spec for RHEL
– @webknjaz
Added NAME = "VALUE" to flake8-eradicate whitelist to work around test false positive introduced in flake8-eradicate 1.1.0 – by @Qalthos
Stopped testing pylibssh binary wheels under Ubuntu 16.04 in GitHub
Actions CI/CD because it is EOL now – @webknjaz
Fixed failing fast on problems with rpmbuild in GitHub Actions CI/CD
under Fedora – @webknjaz
Declare python3-pip a build dependency under Fedora fixing the RPM
creation job in GitHub Actions CI/CD under Fedora – @webknjaz
Replaced git protocols in pre-commit config with https now that GitHub has turned
off git protocol access – @Qalthos

v0.2.0 (2021-03-01)


Fixed undefined symbol: ssh_disconnect and related issues when building on certain distros – by @Qalthos
Fixed "Negative size passed to PyBytes_FromStringAndSize" when ssh_channel_read_nonblocking fails – by @Qalthos


Added SCP support – by @Qalthos


Added the initial user guide to docs
– by @ganeshrn and @webknjaz
Added the initial testing guide to docs
– by @ganeshrn and @webknjaz
Added the initial installation guide to docs
– by @ganeshrn and @webknjaz


Migrated the “draft changelog” plugin to the external
sphinxcontrib-towncrier implementation
– by @webknjaz
Declared official support of CPython 3.9 – by @webknjaz

v0.1.0 (2020-08-12)


Enhanced sftp error handling code to match
with libssh error messages – by @ganeshrn
Fixed session timeout issue, the data type
of timeout is expected by ssh_options_set
is of type long int – by @ganeshrn
Fixed sftp file get issue. On py2
The file write() method returns None on py2
if bytes are written to file successfully, whereas
on py3 it returns total number of bytes written
to file. Added a fix to check for the number of
bytes written only in the case when write()
does not return None – by @ganeshrn
Fixed double close issue, added logic to free
the channel allocated memory within
__dealloc__() – by @ganeshrn


Added cython extension for libssh client
API’s initial commit – by @ganeshrn
Added proxycommand support for session and
update session exeception to LibsshSessionException – by @ganeshrn
Added support for host key checking with
authentication – by @ganeshrn
Changed pylibssh dir to pylibsshext to avoid ns collision – by @ganeshrn
Added sftp get functionality to fetch file
from remote host – by @amolkahat
Added support to receive bulk response
for remote shell – by @ganeshrn
Added the support for keyboard-authentication method – by @Qalthos

Backward incompatible changes

Updated the package name to ansible-pylibssh to reflect
that the library only intends to implement a set of APIs that
are necessary to implement an Ansible connection plugin
– by @ganeshrn


Documented how to compose Towncrier
news fragments – by @webknjaz
Documented how to contribute to the docs – by @webknjaz


Updated requirements file to replace
requirements.txt with – by @akasurde
Made tox’s main env pick up the in-tree PEP 517 build
backend – by @webknjaz
Refactored sphinx RST parsing in towncrier extension – by @ewjoachim
Hotfixed the directive in the in-tree sphinx extension to
always trigger the changelog document rebuilds so that it’d
pick up any changelog fragments from disk
– by @webknjaz
Turned the Townrier fragments README doc title into subtitle
– by @webknjaz
The effect is that it doesn’t show up in the side bar as an
individual item anymore.

Integrated Markdown support into docs via the MyST parser – by @webknjaz
Switched the builder on Read the Docs to dirhtml
so it now generates a dir-based URL layout for the website
– by @webknjaz
Enabled sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel Sphinx extension to automatically generate
reference targets for document sections that can be linked
against using :ref: – by @webknjaz


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