0 purchases
ansi256colors 1.0.0
A tool to print and demo ansi color codes for a 256 color terminal.
Install using pip:
pip install ansi256colors
This will install ansi256 to your python bin. You can then call the script so
long as that is in your path.
> ansi256 -h
usage: ansi256 [-h] {print-table,test,write} ...
a tool for printing, testing, and exporting ansi color escapes
positional arguments:
print-table print a table of the ansi color codes
test test color codes on a string
write write a zsh-rc style file that exports all color codes
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Printing Tables
> ansi256 print-table --help
usage: ansi256 print-table [-h] [-f [0-255]] [-b [0-255]] {fg,bg,both}
positional arguments:
{fg,bg,both} specify whether to print foreground, background, or both color code tables
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f [0-255], --foreground [0-255]
specify a foreground color to be on top of the background table
-b [0-255], --background [0-255]
specify a background color to be the background of the foreground table
For example:
ansi256 print-table both
ansi256 print-table -b 218 fg
Printing Tests
> ansi256 test -h
usage: ansi256 test [-h] [-f [0-255]] [-b [0-255]] TEXT
positional arguments:
TEXT text to test
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f [0-255], --foreground [0-255]
specify the foreground color code (0-255)
-b [0-255], --background [0-255]
specify the background color code (0-255)
For example:
ansi256 test -b 218 -f 196 "This is a test of red on pink"
Writing RC files
> ansi256 write -h
usage: ansi256 write [-h] FILE
positional arguments:
FILE file to write the exports to
-h, --help show this help message and exit
> ansi256 write testrc
> head -5 testrc
export COLOR0_FG=$'%{\e[38;5;0m%}'
export COLOR0_BG=$'%{\e[48;5;0m%}'
export COLOR1_FG=$'%{\e[38;5;1m%}'
export COLOR1_BG=$'%{\e[48;5;1m%}'
export COLOR2_FG=$'%{\e[38;5;2m%}'
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