ansys-dpf-composites 0.6.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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ansysdpfcomposites 0.6.0

PyDPF Composites enables the post-processing of composite structures based on
Ansys DPF and the DPF Composites plugin. So it is a Python wrapper which
implements classes on top of DPF Composites operators and data accessors for
short fiber and layered composites (layered shell and solid elements). This
module can be used to postprocess fiber reinforced plastics and layered
composites, and to implement custom failure criteria and computation. For
information demonstrating the behavior and usage of PyDPF Composites,
see Examples in the DPF Composite documentation.


Install in development mode
Installing PyDPF Composites in development mode allows
you to modify the source and enhance it.
Before attempting to contribute to PyDPF Composites, ensure that you are thoroughly
familiar with the PyAnsys Developer’s Guide.

Clone the repository:
git clone
cd pydpf-composites

Install dependencies:
python -m pip install pipx
pipx ensurepath
# Minimum required poetry version is 1.2.0
pipx install poetry
pipx install pip
pipx install tox
PyDPF Composites uses Poetry
to manage the development environment.

Create a virtual environment and install the package with the
development dependencies:
poetry install --all-extras

Activate the virtual environment:
poetry shell

There are different ways to run the PyDPF Composites tests, depending on how the DPF
server is started.

Run tests with a Docker container:
Follow the steps in Getting the DPF server Docker image to get
and run the DPF docker image. Run the tests with the following command
pytest . --port 50052

Run tests with a DPF server started from the Ansys installer. The Ansys version must
be 2023 R2 or later.
pytest . --ansys-path "C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v232"

Run tests with a Docker container from Github (Ansys Internal only):
docker pull
pytest .

Build documentation
Follow the description in Getting the DPF server Docker image image to get
and run the dpf docker image.
On Windows, build the documentation with:
tox -e doc-windows
On Linux, build the documentation with:
tox -e doc-linux
Ansys internal only: Build the docs with the latest container from Github:
docker pull
docker run -d -p 50052:50052 -e ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@mylicserver -e ANSYS_DPF_ACCEPT_LA=Y
tox -e doc-windows

Run style checks
The style checks use pre-commit and can be run through tox:
tox -e style
The style checks can also be configured to run automatically before each git commit:
pre-commit install

View documentation
Documentation for the latest stable release of PyDPF Composites is hosted at
PyDPF Composites Documentation.
In the upper right corner of the documentation’s title bar, there is an option
for switching from viewing the documentation for the latest stable release
to viewing the documentation for the development version or previously
released versions.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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