antlr4-vba-parser 0.0.2

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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antlr4vbaparser 0.0.2

Navigate antlr VBA Parse Trees in python.

This python package provides an interface to the the antlr4 tooling and allows parsing
and lexing of VBA grammar.
>>> from antlr4_vba_parser.vba_parser import Antlr4VbaParser

>>> parsed = Antlr4VbaParser("""
... SUB square(x)
... DIM y: REM Some comment
... y = x * x ' same as x**2
... """) # also accepts a filepath

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(parsed)
('(startRule (module (endOfLine \\n) (moduleBody (moduleBodyElement (subStmt '
'SUB (ambiguousIdentifier square) (argList ( (arg (ambiguousIdentifier x)) '
')) (endOfStatement (endOfLine \\n )) (block (blockStmt (variableStmt DIM '
'(variableListStmt (variableSubStmt (ambiguousIdentifier y))))) '
'(endOfStatement : (endOfLine (remComment REM Some comment)) (endOfLine '
'\\n )) (blockStmt (letStmt (implicitCallStmt_InStmt '
'(iCS_S_VariableOrProcedureCall (ambiguousIdentifier y))) = (valueStmt '
'(valueStmt (implicitCallStmt_InStmt (iCS_S_VariableOrProcedureCall '
'(ambiguousIdentifier x)))) * (valueStmt (implicitCallStmt_InStmt '
'(iCS_S_VariableOrProcedureCall (ambiguousIdentifier x))))))) (endOfStatement '
"(endOfLine (comment ' same as x**2)) (endOfLine \\n))) END SUB)) "
'(endOfLine \\n))) <EOF>)')

antlr4_vba_parser itself is a pure python package, but depends on a java runtime in order to run.
The ANTLR4 jar needed to perform the parsing/lexing is included in the package distribution and
is bundled from third-party sources at the time of packaging with build.
To install, simply try:
pip install antlr4_vba_parser

To set up a development environment, first create either a new virtual or
conda environment before activating it and then run the following:
git clone
cd antlr4-vba-parser
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt requirements-test.txt -r requirements.txt
python build_antlr4 # needed to generate python bindings
pip install -e .

This will install the package in development mode. Note that is you have forked
the repo then change the URL as appropriate.
Documentation can be found within the docs/ directory. This project
uses sphinx to autogenerate API documentation by scraping python docstrings.
To generate the HTML documentation, simply do the following:
cd docs
make html

Contribution Guidelines

Contributions are extremely welcome and highly encouraged. To help with consistency
please can the following areas be considered before submitting a PR for review:

Use autopep8 -a -a -i -r . to run over any modified files to ensure basic pep8 conformance,
allowing the code to be read in a style expected for most python projects.
New or changed functionality should be tested, running pytest should
Try to document any new or changed functionality. Note: this project uses
numpydoc for it's
docstring documentation style.

Released under the BSD license.
This package is mostly a proof of concept and as such there are a number of
areas to add to, fix and improve.

Create listener(s) capable of capturing contextual information and creating a JSON-friendly dictionary output.
Produce simple script turns the above into a command line tool.
Contribute to oletools.vba
to hopefully extend capabilities using this package.


Andrew Lockhart for the initial idea of combining ANTLR4 and python to handle VBA grammar


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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