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anyd 0.4.1
Anyd is a small framework that will help you build and use any custom Unix daemon process as a server. It will suite your daemon with API accessible over sockets, so you'll be able to query it for runnig your code or transmit the data. Anyd provides you a client out-of-the-box, so you can start working with your daemon instantly.
Anyd provides you an app to start with:
from anyd import Appd
Define the address for your daemon, for example:
address = ("localhost", 3000)
The daemon process will use it to accept connections. Next, create a daemon app:
appd = Appd(address)
Or you can set it up with authentication for client:
appd = Appd(address, authkey=b"swordfish")
Now, define your API endpoints, using @appd.api:
def echo(arg: str) -> str:
return arg
Additionally, you can use built-in logger to log something specific:
from anyd import logging
def echo(arg: str) -> str:"echoing: {arg}")
return arg
This function is now exposed to the client as an API endpoint, and can be executed on request.
You are ready to start the deamon:
That will block the interpreter and you'll see the logging output of your daemon in the terminal:
[INFO] Listening on
Let's test it from another shell!
Start from importing ClientSession:
from anyd import ClientSession
Use it with address and authkey you used for your daemon:
address = ('localhost', 3000)
with ClientSession(address, authkey=b"swordfish") as client:
# you can pass keyword arguments to API request
response = client.commit("echo", arg="hello world!")
# or the positional ones
bob = client.commit("echo", "hello Bob")
# you can query different API endpoints per-session
# Will raise NotImplementedError:
# we didn't defined 'my_func' endpoint on the daemon.
# The daemon will continue working.
client.commit("my_func", "hello")
except NotImplementedError as ex:
print(ex) # NotImplementedError: my_func
print(response) # hello world!
print(bob) # hello Bob
On the daemon app you may want to define sort of validation logic for some of your endpoints. In this case, you can return an exception as a response to the client. It will be pickled and raised on the client side, so your daemon will stay up and running. Consider simple example with previous endpoit:
def validate_echo(arg: Any):
if not isinstance(arg, str):
return TypeError(f"{arg}, {type(arg)}")
return arg
def echo(arg: str) -> str:
return validate_echo(arg)
The function validate_echo is not an API endpoint of our daemon, but still its accessible for the daemon to execute it locally.
Now, let's try to query it with wrong data:
with ClientSession(address) as client:
client.commit("echo", 1) # will raise TypeError
except TypeError as ex:
print(ex) # 1, <class 'int'>
Get to your server's functionality implementation instantly
Don't bother with a low-level sockets programming
The client for your server comes out of the box and is ready to use
Install it by running:
pip install anyd
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The project is licensed under the BSD license.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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