anydo_api 0.0.2

Creator: coderz1093

Last updated:

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anydo api 0.0.2

This simple client library provides access to basic features of AnyDo task manager in a
easy and object-oriented style.
It could be used for own projects integration’s or as a tool for migration from one task manager to another.

Supported Features

User CRUD operations
Personal tasks CRUD and sharing
Personal lists(categories) CRUD


Automatically testing for Python 2.7 and Python 3.4.
Uses requests>=2.8.0 for remote API calls.

$ pip install anydo_api
or directly from the repository:
$ git clone
$ cd anydo_api
$ python install

Usage & examples:
Currently not all functionality from the original Chrome/Android/.. clients are supported.
Some of them just have no sense for console client, some just not ready yet :)
Here is what we have for now:

User management:
>>> from anydo_api.client import Client

Create totally new user:
>>> user = Client.create_user(name='Garlic', email='', password='password')

Access to its attributes both ways:
>>> user['name'] # > 'Garlic'
>>> # > ''

Change the name:
>>> user['name'] = 'Tomato'
>>> # changes are pushed to server
>>> user['name'] # > 'Tomato'

Login with existent account:
>>> user = Client(email='', password='password').get_user()
>>> user['name'] # > 'Tomato'

Get the possible updates from the server (in case if user was already instantiated but changed by other client/app)
>>> user.refresh()

Delete your account completely. Warning! Can’t be undone:
>>> user.destroy()

Tasks management:
>>> from anydo_api.client import Client
>>> from anydo_api.task import Task

>>> user = Client(email='', password='password').get_user()

List tasks:
>>> user.tasks() # > []

Create a new task:
>>> task = Task.create(
title='Clean garden',

>>> task['assignedTo'] # > ''
>>> task.status # > 'UNCHECKED'

Add note for task:
>>> task.add_note('first task')
>>> task.notes() # > ['first task']

Add a subtasks:
>>> subtask = Task.create(user=user, title='Find a water', priority='Normal')
>>> task.add_subtask(subtask)
>>> subtask.parent()['title'] # > 'Clean garden'
>>> task.subtasks()[0]['title'] # > 'Find a water'

Check the task:
>>> subtask['status'] # > 'UNCHECKED'
>>> subtask.check()
>>> subtask['status'] # > 'CHECKED'

Delete the task:
>>> subtask.destroy()
>>> len(user.tasks()) # > 2
>>> len(user.tasks(refresh=True)) # > 1

Lists(categories) management:
>>> from anydo_api.client import Client
>>> from anydo_api.category import Category
>>> from anydo_api.task import Task

>>> user = Client(email='', password='password').get_user()

List categories:
>>> list(map(lambda category: category['name'], user.categories())) # > ['GROCERY LIST', 'PERSONAL ERRANDS']

Create a new category:
>>> category = Category.create(user=user, name='Home')
>>> list(map(lambda category: category['name'], user.categories(refresh=True)))

List category tasks:
>>> category.tasks() # > []
>>> task = Task.create(user=user, title='In new category', priority='Normal')
>>> category.add_task(task)
>>> category.tasks()[0]['title'] # > 'In new category'

Make category default one, for new tasks:
>>> category.default # > False
>>> category.mark_default()
>>> category.default # > True

Delete the category:
>>> category.destroy()
>>> list(map(lambda category: category['name'], user.categories(refresh=True)))

& More complex example, task sharing:
Assume we have two users: Paca and Vaca.
User Paca has a one task it wants to share with Vaca.
>>> task = paca.tasks()[0]
>>> task['title'] # > 'Paca Task'
>>> task.members() # > [{'': 'Paca'}]

Share task with user:
>>> task.share_with(vaca)

Until task isn’t approved it isn’t shared:
>>> vaca.tasks() # > []
>>> vaca.pending_tasks()
# > [{'id': 'm8cEmJJFXgYWrr3Xplj9zw==', 'invitedBy': {'name': 'Paca', 'email': '', 'picture': None}, 'message': None, 'title': 'Paca Task'}]

Approve the pending task:
>>> vaca.approve_pending_task(pending_task=vaca.pending_tasks()[0])

And now it is shared:
>>> vaca.tasks()[0]['title'] # > 'Paca Task'

>>> task.members()
[{'': 'Paca'}, {'': ''}]

For other methods and full support API check the docs or source code..

Feedback, issue reports and feature/pull requests are greatly appreciated!
You could post them into issues.
Generic guide for contributions is placed here.

MIT license
Automaticaly generated documentation:


0.0.2 (2017-04-25)

Fix issue with an uuid generation on Py3.

0.0.1 (2015-10-12)

First release on PyPI.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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