ape-chainstack 0.8.0a1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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apechainstack 0.8.0a1

Quick Start
Chainstack network provider plugins.
This plugin allows using the Ape framework with Chainstack as a node provider in an easy and integrated way.

python3 version 3.9 up to 3.12.

via pip
You can install the latest release via pip:
pip install ape-chainstack

via setuptools
You can clone the repository and use setuptools for the most up-to-date version:
git clone https://github.com/ApeWorX/ape-chainstack.git
cd ape-chainstack
python3 setup.py install

Quick Usage
Set up the environment
Follow these steps to sign up on Chainstack, deploy a node, and find your endpoint credentials:

Sign up with Chainstack.
Deploy a node.
View node access and credentials.

Create an environment variable with your Chainstack node URL in this format CHAINSTACK_"NETWORK"_URL=ENDPOINT_URL; for example:
export CHAINSTACK_GOERLI_URL=https://nd-11X-26X-16X.p2pify.com/YOUR_API_KEY

Use the command ape networks list to see the networks available:
ethereum (default)
├── holesky
│ ├── chainstack
│ └── node (default)
├── local (default)
│ ├── node
│ └── test (default)
├── mainnet
│ ├── chainstack
│ └── node (default)
└── sepolia
├── chainstack
└── node (default)

Use the --network command to access the console using your node; for example:
ape console --network ethereum:sepolia:chainstack

Check the Ape docs to see how to select a network.
Now you are ready to use Ape to develop and test your smart contract, checkout the Ape Academy for tutorials.
This project is in development and should be considered a beta.
Things might not be in their final state and breaking changes may occur.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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