ape-utils 0.0.6

Creator: coderz1093

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apeutils 0.0.6

Quick Start
Ape Utils is a CLI tool designed to interact with Ethereum smart contracts, specifically focusing on calling view functions. The tool allows you to call a view function from a given function signature and address directly from the command line.


Call View Functions: Invoke view functions on Ethereum smart contracts using their function signature and address.
Flexible Input: Provide function signature, contract address, and arguments through the command line.


python3 version 3.9 up to 3.12.

via pip
You can install the latest release via pip:
pip install ape_utils

Build locally
You can clone the repository and use pip for the most up-to-date version:
git clone https://github.com/Aviksaikat/ape_utils.git
cd ape_utils
pip install -e .

Quick Usage
Once installed, you can use the ape_utils command to call view functions on Ethereum smart contracts. Here is how you can use it:

ape_utils call --function-sig "function_signature" --address "contract_address" --args [argument] --network [ecosystem-name][:[network-name][:[provider-name]]]

Calling a view function with single parameter
To call a view function with the signature call_this_view_function(uint256)(string) on a contract at address 0x80E097a70cacA11EB71B6401FB12D48A1A61Ef54 with an argument 6147190, you can use:
# function which takes a single input parameter
ape_utils call --function-sig "call_this_view_function(uint256)(string)" --address "0x80E097a70cacA11EB71B6401FB12D48A1A61Ef54" --args '[6147190]' --network :sepolia:infura
# or
ape utils call -s "call_this_view_function(uint256)(string)" -a "0x80E097a70cacA11EB71B6401FB12D48A1A61Ef54" -ag '[6147190]' --network :sepolia:infura

Calling a view function with multiple parameter
# function which takes multiple input parameters
ape_utils call --function-sig 'couple_param_function(uint256,string)(string)' --address '0x894A02d4574318a9da4EEc7884a7D0c095E65507' --args "[6147190,'string']" --network :sepolia

# function with 3 input parameters
ape_utils call --function-sig 'multiple_param_function(uint256,string,address)(string)' --address '0x894A02d4574318a9da4EEc7884a7D0c095E65507' --args "[6147190,'string', '0x894A02d4574318a9da4EEc7884a7D0c095E65507']" --network :sepolia

Use as ape plugin
ape utils --help
ape utils call --function-sig "call_this_view_function(uint256)(string)" --address "0x80E097a70cacA11EB71B6401FB12D48A1A61Ef54" --args '[6147190]' --network :sepolia:infura

ABI encode the given function
ape_utils encode --signature 'call_this_view_function(uint256 arg1, string addr)' 1234 '0xdeadbeef'

ABI Decode input data
ape_utils decode --signature 'call_this_view_function(uint256 arg1, string addr)' '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004d20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a3078646561646265656600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'

Encode the given function with function selector
ape_utils encode --signature "call_this_view_function(uint256 arg1)" 1234

Decode the given function with function selector
ape_utils decode --signature "call_this_view_function(uint256 arg1)" "0x1e4f420d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004d2"

Don't want beautiful print statements ?
You can now pass the --raw flag to each option to print the output data only
ape_utils encode --signature 'isLastFloor(uint256 arg1)' 1234 --raw

Read storage slots of a contract
ape utils read --address "0xDbB18e367E4A2A36A9F2AF7af8b3c743938deCF2" --slot 1 --network :sepolia

Please see the contributing guide to learn more how to contribute to this project.
Comments, questions, criticisms and pull requests are welcomed.
For any issues or questions, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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