apidev-coop-cms 1.6.5

Creator: railscoder56

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apidevcoopcms 1.6.5

coop_cms is a Content Management System (CMS) for Django

Yet another CMS ?
Quick start

Yet another CMS ?

Coop-cms is built around Articles. It defines a basic abstract model so you can define your own model.
It has a website tree in a nice admin widget, to let you order Articles and any other standard django model you’ve defined in your project.
Based on the tree, you get templatetags for menu navigation, siblings links, breadcrumb, etc

Coop-cms has some sister apps to make it more usable:

coop_bar, an extensible toolbar (same concept : any app you create can add links in the toolbar).
coop_html_editor, integration of in-site html editors._
colorbox, make easy integration of jquery colorbox library.

Quick start
Python 3, Django >=2.0, < 3.0 required
Install it with pip install apidev_coop_cms

At the very end of your urls.py file, add:
urlpatterns += [
url(r'^html-editor/', include('coop_html_editor.urls')),
url(r'^', include('coop_cms.urls')),
url(r'^coop_bar/', include('coop_bar.urls')),
Please note that coop-cms will handle any page slug, except the ones you will have defined before.

In settings.py:
'coop_cms.middleware.PermissionsMiddleware', # Optional: redirect to login when PermissionDenied is raised


'coop_cms.apps.email_auth.auth_backends.EmailAuthBackend', # Optional -> login with email rather than username
'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', # Django's default auth backend

# Contribs

# 3rd parties
'registration', # Optional

# apps
'coop_cms.apps.coop_bootstrap', # Optional -> utilities for Bootstrap CSS framework
'coop_cms.apps.email_auth', # Optional -> login with email rather than username

# The coop_cms Article is an abstract model, you must define an Article in one of your app
# We provide 2 apps that can be used if needed. Choose one or the other
# 'coop_cms.apps.basic_cms', # Nothing else than a concrete Article model.
'coop_cms.apps.demo_cms', # A ready-to-use example app.

# The app below make possible to create articles from a RSS feed. Add it if needed

# These are settings to customize the CMS behavior. The values are just examples and correspond to the demo_cms app.

# Define the Concrete Article to use. Not required if basic_cms is used
COOP_CMS_ARTICLE_CLASS = 'coop_cms.apps.demo_cms.models.Article'

# Define a custom form for Article editing. Not required if basic_cms is used
COOP_CMS_ARTICLE_FORM = 'coop_cms.apps.demo_cms.forms.ArticleForm'

# Make possible to customize the menus in the admin bar. Optional.
# If not defined, the tuple is build with the coop_bar_cfg modules of all INSTALLED_APPS

# Populate the urls when editing <a> tag in HTML editor

# Optional: you can overload the aloha plugins used by coop_cms --> see coop_html_editor docs for details

# Optional: you can change the jquery version used by aloha --> see coop_html_editor docs for details
ALOHA_JQUERY = 'js/jquery.1.7.2.js'

# Optional : you can customize the whole behavior of aloha by proving the url of config file.
# It will overload the config provided by coop_html_editor --> see coop_html_editor for details
ALOHA_INIT_URL = '/static/js/my_aloha_config.js'

# Default size of the article logo. Can be changed in template

# Templates that can be used for an article
# It can be a tuple or a function returning a tuple
COOP_CMS_ARTICLE_TEMPLATES = 'coop_cms.apps.demo_cms.get_article_templates'
# ('standard.html', 'Standard'),
# ('homepage.html', 'Homepage'),
# ('blog.html', 'Blog'),
# )

# Prefix for making absolute links

# from email : the domain of this address should allow the IP of your SMTP server : See SPF
COOP_CMS_FROM_EMAIL = '"Your name" <your@email.com>'

COOP_CMS_REPLY_TO = '"Your name" <your@email.com>'

# Email address to send a newsletter test
'"Your name" <your@email.com>',

# tuples of templates that can be used for a newsletter.
('basic_newsletter.html', 'Basic'),
('special_newsletter.html', 'With sections'),
('sortable_newsletter.html', 'Sortable sections'),
# optional : A custom form for editing the newsletter
COOP_CMS_NEWSLETTER_FORM = 'coop_cms.apps.demo_cms.forms.SortableNewsletterForm'

Base template
You need to create a base template base.html in one of your template folders. The article.html will inherit from this base template.
You need the following templatetags libs:
{% load coop_navigation coop_bar_tags %}
In the <head> of the document:
{% coop_bar_headers %}
{% block jquery_declaration %}{% endblock %}
{% block extra_head %}{% endblock %}
In the <body> of the document:
{% block document %}...{% endblock %}
{% coop_bar %}
Just before </body> at the end of the document:
{% coop_bar_footer %}
You can also put some navigations in the <body>:
{% navigation_as_nested_ul %}

The navigation_as_nested_ul templatetag accepts several args

tree=”english” –> The name of the navigation_tree to use. “default” if missing
li_template=”dropdown_li.html” –> a template for every <li> tags
ul_template=”dropdown_ul.html” –> a template for every <ul> tags
li_args=”dropdown_li_class.html” –> args to be used for any <li> tags

There are others templatetags for navigation : navigation_breadcrumb, navigation_children, navigation_siblings with similar behavior

Navigation configuration

Don’t forget to register the navigable types. In order to be accessible from the navigation, Model classes must be registered.

In the django admin, go to coop_cms - Navigable types
Add a new object and choose the model class you want to make accessible in navigation
Define how to get the label in navigation for a given object : use the __unicode__, use the search field or use a custom get_label method
If search_field is choosed, define the name of this field.
The search field make possible to define which field to use when the navigation tree ask for matching objects.
Then Go to a Navigation object in admin, the admin page propose to configure it thanks to a tree view
Type some text in the text field at the top
The field autocomplete propose all the objects of a NavigableType matching the text you entered
Select one object and click ‘Add a new item’
The object is now part of the current navigation

Going further

You can look at the demo_app in apps folder to see how to customize the behavior of coop_cms:

Editable “pieces of HTML” in your page : A editable block that can be shared by several pages.
Custom templates for articles and newsletters
Custom fields in article
Custom admin bar
Configuration values

If you want to make an international site, coop_cms works well with django-modeltranslation.
We recommend to remove django-modeltranslation from the apps when making the model migrations

if not (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] in (‘makemigrations’, )):
INSTALLED_APPS = (‘modeltranslation’, ) + INSTALLED_APPS

The model migrations wil not take the translation fields into account and it will be easier to add or remove languages
with the following commands

python manage.py sync_translation_fields –noinput
python manage.py update_translation_fields

apidev-coop-cms is a fork of credis/coop_cms and uses BSD license see license.txt.
coop-cms development was funded by CREDIS, FSE (European Social Fund) and Conseil Regional d’Auvergne.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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