apidev-django-floppyforms 1.9.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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apidevdjangofloppyforms 1.9.0

Full control of form rendering in the templates.

Authors: Gregor Müllegger and many many contributors
Original creator: Bruno Renié started this project and kept it going for many years.
Licence: BSD
Requirements: homework – read this.


It fixes support of Django 1.11 and Django 2


pip install -U apidev_django-floppyforms
Add floppyforms to your INSTALLED_APPS


1.8.0 (in development)

#176: Fix HTML validation for hidden textarea used with GIS widgets.
#191: Support for Django 1.10. Thanks to MrJmad for the patch.
#194: Remove official support for Python 2.6 and Python 3.2.


#171: Fix path to GIS widget images in openlayers.html template. The
files coming with Django admin where used, but the naming changed in 1.9. We
vendor these know to have better control over it.
#174: Support for setting your own Google Maps key in the
BaseGMapWidget. See the documentation for


#169: Use the attributes ClearableFileInput.initial_text,
ClearableFileInput.clear_checkbox_label to determine the used text in the
template. This was inconsistent so far with Django’s behaviour.


#167: Fix django-floppyforms’ CheckboxInput.value_from_datadict which
was inconsistent with Django’s behaviour.


#160: Django 1.9 support! Thanks to Jonas Haag for the patch.


#156: The min, max, step attributes for DecimalField and
FloatField were localized which can result in invalid values (rendering
0.01 as 0,01 in respective locales). Those attributes won’t get
localized anymore. Thanks to Yannick Chabbert for the fix.


FloatField` now fills in min, max, and step attributes to match
the behaviour of DecimalField. Leaving out the step attribute would
result in widgets that only allow integers to be filled in (HTML 5 default
for step is 1).


#148: Added support for custom label_suffix arguments in forms and fields.
The contents in floppyforms/input.html is now wrapped in a {% block content %} for easier extending.
#70: DecimalField` now fills in min, max, and step attributes for
better client side validation. Use the novalidate attribute on your
<form> tag to disable HTML5 input validation in the browser. Thanks to
caacree for the patch.


Fixed source distribution to include all files in


Every widget is now using its own template. Previously all widgets that are
based on the HTML <input> tag used the generic floppyforms/input.html
template. Now the widgets each have a custom element for easier
customisation. For example CheckboxInput now uses
floppyforms/checkbox.html instead of floppyforms/input.html. See
Widgets reference
for a complete list of available widgets and which templates they use.
Adjusting the SRIDs used in the GeoDjango widgets to conform with
Django 1.7. Thanks to Tyler Tipton for the patch.
Python 3.2 is now officially supported.
Django 1.8 is now officially supported. django-floppyforms no longers
triggers Django deprecation warnings.
Adding OpenLayers distribution to django-floppyforms static files in order
to better support HTTPS setups when GIS widgets are used (See #15 for more
Fix: python setup.py bdist_rpm failed because of wrong string encodings
in setup.py. Thanks to Yuki Izumi for the fix.
Fix: The CheckboxInput widget did detect different values in Python 2
when given 'False' and u'False' as data. Thanks to @artscoop for the
Fix: MultipleChoiceField can now correctly be rendered as hidden field by
using the as_hidden helper in the template. That was not working
previously as there was no value set for MultipleChoiceField.hidden_widget.


DateInput widget renders hardcoded “%Y-%m-%d” format. We don’t allow custom
formats there since the “%Y-%m-%d” format is what browsers are submitting
with HTML5 date input fields. Thanks to Bojan Mihelac for the patch.
Adding supports_microseconds attribute to all relevant widget classes.
Thanks to Stephen Burrows for the patch.
Using a property for Widget.is_hidden attribute on widgets to be in
conformance with Django 1.7 default widget implementation.
The docs mentioned that the current ModelForm behaviour in
floppyforms.__future__ will become the default in 1.3. This is postpone
for one release and will be part of 1.4.


Subclasses of floppyforms.models.ModelForm did not convert widgets of
form fields that were automatically created for the existing model fields
into the floppyform variants. This is now changed, thanks to a patch by
Stephen Burrows.
Previously you had to set the widgets your self in a model form. For example
you would write:
import floppyforms as forms

class ProfileForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Profile
widgets = {
'name': forms.TextInput,
'url': forms.URLInput,
Now this is done automatically. But since this is a kind-of
backwardsincompatible change, you need to use a special import:
import floppyforms.__future__ as forms

class ProfileForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Profile
This feature will become the default behaviour in floppyforms 2.0.
See the documentation for more information:

If you added an attribute with value 1 to the attrs kwargs (e.g. {'value': 1}, you would get no attribute value in the rendered html (e.g. value
instead of value="1"). That’s fixed now, thanks to Viktor Ershov for the
All floppyform widget classes now take a template_name argument in the
__init__ and render method. Thanks to Carl Meyer for the patch.


Fix for Django 1.6
Fix for GIS widgets on Django 1.4 and some versions of GEOS.


Added GenericIPAddressField.
Django 1.5 and Python 3.3 support added.
Django 1.3 support dropped.
GIS widgets switched to stable OpenLayers release instead of a dev build.
Fixed Textarea widget template to work with a non-empty
TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID setting. Thanks to Leon Matthews for the
Fixed context handling in widget rendering. It didn’t take care of popping
the context as often as it was pushed onto. This could cause strange
behaviour in the template by leaking variables into outer scopes. Thanks to
David Danier for the report.
Added missing empty choice for selectboxes in SelectDateWidget. Thanks
fsx999 for the report.
IntegerField now automatically passes its min_value and
max_value (if provided) to the NumberInput widget.
Added basic support for <datalist> elements for suggestions in
Input widgets.
date, datetime and time inputs are not localized anymore. The
HTML5 spec requires the rendered values to be RFC3339-compliant and the
browsers are in charge of localization. If you still want localized
date/time inputs, use those provided by Django or override the
_format_value() method of the relevant widgets.


cleaned up the behaviour of attrs
compatible with Django 1.3 and 1.4
<optgroup> support in select widgets
Select widgets: renamed choices context variable to optgroups.
This is backwards-incompatible: if you have custom templates for
Select widgets, they need to be updated.
get_context() is more reliable
Added form, formrow, formfield, formconfig and widget
template tags.
Added template-based form layout system.
Added ability to render widgets with the broader page context, for
instance for django-sekizai compatibility.


All widgets from Django have their floppyforms equivalent
Added widgets for GeoDjango


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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