apijet 0.5.1

Creator: codyrutscher

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apijet 0.5.1

⚙ A command line tool to deploy python Rest APIS in 20 secs. ⚙

🔗 Example of a backend for a TODO app

Apijet is a Python framework for building APIs via the command line. Apijet is a useful framework for fast prototyping Rest APIs. Apijet will deploy python code according to the well-defined pattern (see here), you only have to pay attention to the business logic and to the database queries.
You will be able to deploy endpoints following these 5 steps:

Install apijet
Once you have installed the package, apijet will be available as bash command.

$> pip install apijet

Create a project
The create command generates the skeleton of the project and the main project files.

$> apijet create --name myProject --port 9090 --address
$> cd my_projet

Add and endpoint.
The endpoint can also need database support, in this case, you pass the --database parameter and Apijet will generate the code for CRUD basic operation for the endpoint. If you need database support, you make sure that mongodb is running. Consider a Docker container to deploy an instance in a short time (see here).

$> apijet endpoint --name myEndpoint

Run the server

$> python -m myProject.app

Open your browser
The APIs will be exposed according the automatic interactive API documentation by Swagger.
Open your browser @ to test out your work!

These steps generate a follow folder and file structure:
|-- myProject
| |-- core
| | |
| | `-- myendpoint.py
| |-- database
| | |-- dbmanager.py
| | |-- message.py
| | |-- myendpoint.py
| | `-- pyobjectid.py
| |-- models
| | |
| | `-- myendpoint.py
| |-- routers
| | |
| | `-- myendpoint.py
| `-- app.py
`-- apijet.json

The project configuration is saved in the apijet.json file:
"name": "myProject",
"port": 1234,
"address": "",
"workers": 1,
"mongo": {
"auth": false,
"address": "",
"port": 27017,
"username": "",
"password": ""
"endpoints": [


address and port are used by the web server.
if workers > 1, Gunicorn will be started otherwise Unicorn as ASGI web server
if mongo.auth is true, mongo.username and mongo.password are requested

Run MongoDB in a docker contaienr
If you are a fan of docker and you want to run an instance of MongoDb without stress:
$> docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name myProject-db mongo:latest

Source code and pattern.
Apijet project folder contains the auto-generated python code. The code is arranged in four folders: core, repository, router and models. When a new endpoint is added, a new file in each of these four folders is created. These four files have the same name (/myEndpoint.py) of the endpoint but they have different behaviour, see the following pattern.

Files created as routers expose the endpoints, they receive the user request and send back the response. (i.e. router/myEndpoint.py)
Files as core implement the business logic. Your algorithms and data processing stuff go here. (i.e. core/myEndpoint.py)
Files as repositories make the interaction with the database. Your queries go here. (i.e. repository/myEndpoint.py)
For each endpoint, core, repository, and router communicate through the data structure. The data structure is located in the folder models. You modify this file with the parameters you need to handle in your project.

🔗 Follow this link for the example on how to implement a backend for a TODO app

Expose an endpoint in 20 secs.

The code is generated exploiting the following development stack :

MongoDB : Document database - 🔗

Pymongo : Python library for working with MongoDB - 🔗

apijet : RestApi framework -🔗

Pydantic : Python data validator & more - 🔗

Uvicorn : ASGI web server implementation for Python - 🔗

CLI Commands
$> apijet -h
usage: apijet [-h] {create,endpoint,remove} ...

apijet - Api Generator v: 0.2.2

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

create Create a new project
endpoint Add or Remove an endpointto the project
remove Remove a project

Create projet
$> apijet create -h
usage: apijet create [-h] [--port PORT] [--name NAME] [--address ADDRESS]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--port PORT port where apis are exposed
--name NAME project name
--address ADDRESS ip address where apis are exposed

Add endpoint
$> apijet endpoint -h
usage: apijet endpoint [-h] [--add ADD] [--database] [--remove REMOVE]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--add ADD endpoint name
--database say that the endpoint needs database support
--remove REMOVE endpoint name


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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