appknox 4.3.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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appknox 4.3.0

Command-line interface & Python wrapper for the Appknox API.

Python API documentation is available here.

appknox-python is officially supported on python 3.5 & 3.6. pip is the recommended way to install appknox-python.
pip install appknox

$ appknox
Usage: appknox [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Command line wrapper for the Appknox API

-v, --verbose Specify log verbosity.
-k, --insecure Allow Insecure Connection
--help Show this message and exit.

analyses List analyses for file
files List files for project
login Log in and save session credentials
logout Delete session credentials
organizations List organizations
projects List projects
recent_uploads List recent file uploads by the user
report Download report for file
upload Upload and scan package
switch_organization Switch organization in CLI instance
vulnerability Get vulnerability
whoami Show session info
reports list Show the list of reports for a file
reports create Creates a new report for a file
reports download summary-csv Downloads the report summary in CSV format
reports download summary-excel Downloads the report summary in Excel format

Log in to appknox CLI using your credentials.
$ appknox login
Username: viren
Logged in to

Using Environment Variables
Instead of login we can use environment variables for authentication. This will be useful for scenarios such as CI/CD setup.
$ export APPKNOX_ACCESS_TOKEN=aaaabbbbbcccddeeeffgghhh
$ export HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.local
$ export HTTPS_PROXY=https://proxy.local

Supported variables are:

Environment variable

Access token can be generated from Appknox dashboard (Settings → Developer Settings → Generate token).

Defaults to

Your Appknox organization id

Set your HTTP proxy ex: http://proxy.local

Set your HTTPS proxy ex: https://proxy.local

Data fetch & actions

Available commands

List organizations of user

List projects user has access to

files <project_id>
List files for a project

analyses <file_id>
List analyses for a file

vulnerability <vulnerability_id>
Get vulnerability detail

owasp <owasp_id>
Get OWASP detail

upload <path_to_app_package>
Upload app file from given path and get the file_id

rescan <file_id>
Rescan a file (this will create a new file under the same project.)

reports list <file_id>
Lists all the reports associated with the file

reports create <file_id>
Create a new report for the file and returns report ID

reports download summary-csv <report_id>
Outputs the report summary in CSV format

reports download summary-excel <report_id>
Outputs the report summary in Excel format

$ appknox organizations
id name
---- -------
2 MyOrganization

$ appknox projects
id created_on file_count package_name platform updated_on
---- ------------------- ------------ ----------------------------- ---------- -------------------
3 2017-06-23 07:19:26 3 org.owasp.goatdroid.fourgoats 0 2017-06-23 07:26:55
4 2017-06-27 08:27:54 2 com.appknox.mfva 0 2017-06-27 08:30:04

$ appknox files 4
id name version version_code
---- ------ --------- --------------
6 MFVA 1 6
7 MFVA 1 6

$ appknox reports list 4
id language
---- ------
1 en
2 en

$ appknox reports create 4

$ appknox reports download summary-csv 3
Organization ID,Project ID,Application Name,Application Namespace,Platform,Version,Version Code,File ID,Test Case,Scan Type,Severity,Risk Override,CVSS Score,Findings,Description,Noncompliant Code Example,Compliant Solution,Business Implication,OWASP,CWE,MSTG,ASVS,PCI-DSS,GDPR,Created On
1,1,MFVA,com.appknox.mfva,Android,1.1,1605631525,51,Broken SSL Trust Manager,Static,High,,6.9,"BluK8lNUoeHkNxZ3GVrKN9BP2

$ appknox reports download summary-csv 3 --output /path/to/output/report_summary.csv
<No output: This command will download the report summary to given output path>

Using Proxy
Appknox client and CLI both supports HTTP and HTTPS proxy. While using the client, if you need to set-up a proxy then please follow the example below
from appknox.client import Appknox

client = Appknox(
access_token="Your-Access-Token", # This is your access token which you can get from developer setting
https_proxy="http://proxy.local", # Use https_proxy by default since cloud server connects to https service
insecure=True, # Use insecure connections, because proxies might have their own set of certificates which maynot be trusted
) # Insecure connections are not reccomended though

To use it in CLI example:
$ export HTTPS_PROXY=
$ appknox --insecure login

Note: Please avoid using --insecure flag or setting insecure=True in client, this will allow an attacker to perform MITM attack, but this might be required for proxies to work alongside.

Update docs
Install sphinx-autobuild:
pip install sphinx-autobuild

Build docs:
sphinx-autobuild -b html sphinx-docs docs

License: MIT


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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