appwrite 6.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

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appwrite 6.0.0

Appwrite Python SDK

This SDK is compatible with Appwrite server version 1.6.x. For older versions, please check previous releases.
Appwrite is an open-source backend as a service server that abstract and simplify complex and repetitive development tasks behind a very simple to use REST API. Appwrite aims to help you develop your apps faster and in a more secure way. Use the Python SDK to integrate your app with the Appwrite server to easily start interacting with all of Appwrite backend APIs and tools. For full API documentation and tutorials go to

To install via PyPI:
pip install appwrite

Getting Started
Init your SDK
Initialize your SDK with your Appwrite server API endpoint and project ID which can be found on your project settings page and your new API secret Key from project's API keys section.
from appwrite.client import Client
from import Users

client = Client()

.set_endpoint('https://[HOSTNAME_OR_IP]/v1') # Your API Endpoint
.set_project('5df5acd0d48c2') # Your project ID
.set_key('919c2d18fb5d4...a2ae413da83346ad2') # Your secret API key
.set_self_signed() # Use only on dev mode with a self-signed SSL cert

Make Your First Request
Once your SDK object is set, create any of the Appwrite service objects and choose any request to send. Full documentation for any service method you would like to use can be found in your SDK documentation or in the API References section.
users = Users(client)

result = users.create(ID.unique(), email = "", phone = "+123456789", password = "password", name = "Walter O'Brien")

Full Example
from appwrite.client import Client
from import Users
from import ID

client = Client()

.set_endpoint('https://[HOSTNAME_OR_IP]/v1') # Your API Endpoint
.set_project('5df5acd0d48c2') # Your project ID
.set_key('919c2d18fb5d4...a2ae413da83346ad2') # Your secret API key
.set_self_signed() # Use only on dev mode with a self-signed SSL cert

users = Users(client)

result = users.create(ID.unique(), email = "", phone = "+123456789", password = "password", name = "Walter O'Brien")

Error Handling
The Appwrite Python SDK raises AppwriteException object with message, code and response properties. You can handle any errors by catching AppwriteException and present the message to the user or handle it yourself based on the provided error information. Below is an example.
users = Users(client)
result = users.create(ID.unique(), email = "", phone = "+123456789", password = "password", name = "Walter O'Brien")
except AppwriteException as e:

Learn more
You can use the following resources to learn more and get help

🚀 Getting Started Tutorial
📜 Appwrite Docs
💬 Discord Community
🚂 Appwrite Python Playground

This library is auto-generated by Appwrite custom SDK Generator. To learn more about how you can help us improve this SDK, please check the contribution guide before sending a pull-request.
Please see the BSD-3-Clause license file for more information.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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