apteco 0.8.1

Creator: codyrutscher

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apteco 0.8.1


Python 3.6+
Access to an installation of the Apteco API

The Apteco API (which also goes under the name Orbit API)
is part of the Apteco Orbit™ installation.
If you have access to Apteco Orbit™, you also have access to the Apteco API!
If you’re not sure about this, contact whoever administers your Apteco software,
or get in touch with Apteco support (support@apteco.com).

You can install the package the usual way from PyPI using pip:
python -m pip install apteco

Logging in
Your login credentials are the same username and password
you would use to log in to Apteco Orbit™:
>>> from apteco import login
>>> my_session = login("https://my-site.com/OrbitAPI", "my_data_view", "my_system", "jdoe")
You will be asked to enter your password in the terminal, which won’t be echoed.
If Python is unable to ask for your password in this way,
it will provide a pop-up box instead.
This might appear in the background,
so check your taskbar for a new window if nothing seems to be happening.
If you don’t want to enter your password every time,
there’s also a login_with_password function which takes your password
as a fifth argument:
>>> from apteco import login_with_password
>>> my_session = login_with_password(
... "https://my-site.com/OrbitAPI",
... "my_data_view",
... "my_system",
... "jdoe",
... "password", # password is in plain sight in the code!
... )

Tables are accessed through the tables attribute on the Session object.
You can retrieve a table using its name:
>>> bookings = my_session.tables["Bookings"]
Table objects have properties for various metadata:
>>> print(
... f"There are {bookings.total_records:,}"
... f" {bookings.plural.lower()}"
... f" in the system."
... )
There are 2,130,081 bookings in the system.

Variables are accessed through the variables attribute
on the Session object.
You can retrieve a variable using its name or description:
>>> occupation = my_session.variables["peOccu"] # name
>>> cost = my_session.variables["Cost"] # description
Each table also has a variables attribute
for accessing the variables on that table:
>>> occupation = people.variables["peOccu"]
>>> cost = bookings.variables["Cost"]
For convenience you can access variables by indexing into the Table itself:
>>> occupation = people["peOccu"]
>>> cost = bookings["Cost"]
Variable objects have attributes with various metadata:
>>> occupation.type
<VariableType.SELECTOR: 'Selector'>
>>> cost.description

Creating selections
You can use the Python operators with Variable objects to build selections
based on criteria and return a count:
>>> sweden = bookings["Destination"] == "29"
>>> sweden.count()
You can specify multiple values using any iterable:
>>> people = my_session.tables["People"]
>>> high_earners = people["Income"] == (f"{i:02}" for i in range(7, 12))
>>> high_earners.count()
You can use other operators as well; for example, to exclude values:
>>> households = my_session.tables["Households"]
>>> uk_only = households["Region"] != "14" # 14 is Channel Islands
>>> uk_only.count()
Or to allow a range of values:
>>> low_profit = bookings["Profit"] <= 25
>>> low_profit.count()
>>> second_half_of_alphabet = people["Surname"] >= "N"
>>> second_half_of_alphabet.count()
Date and DateTime variables use the built-in datetime module:
>>> from datetime import date, datetime
>>> bookings_before_2019 = bookings["Booking Date"] <= date(2018, 12, 31)
>>> bookings_before_2019.count()
You can take advantage of functionality available in other Python packages:
>>> from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
>>> under_30 = people["DOB"] >= date.today() - relativedelta(years=30)
>>> under_30.count()

Combining selections
You can use the & | operators to combine selection criteria:
>>> sweden = bookings["Destination"] == "29"
>>> cost_at_least_2k = bookings["Cost"] >= 2000
>>> expensive_sweden = sweden & cost_at_least_2k
>>> expensive_sweden.count()
>>> student = people["Occupation"] == "4"
>>> under_21 = people["DOB"] >= date.today() - relativedelta(years=21)
>>> eligible_for_discount = student | under_21
>>> eligible_for_discount.count()
The ~ operator negates a selection:
>>> pay_full_price = ~eligible_for_discount
>>> pay_full_price.count()
You can join clauses from different tables and it will automatically handle
the required table changes:
>>> high_affordability = high_earners | cost_at_least_2k # will resolve to people
>>> high_affordability.count()
>>> high_affordability.table_name
The left-most clause determines the resolve table:
>>> female = people["Gender"] == "F"
>>> usa = bookings["Destination"] == "38"
>>> female.table_name
>>> usa.table_name
>>> (female & usa).table_name
>>> (usa & female).table_name
You can manually set the resolve table using the * operator:
>>> bookings_by_under_21s = bookings * under_21
>>> bookings_by_under_21s.count()
>>> bookings_by_under_21s.table_name
Compound clauses follow Python operator precedence:
>>> student_or_young_female = student | female & under_21
>>> student_or_young_female.count()
>>> student_or_female_must_be_young = (student | female) & under_21
>>> student_or_female_must_be_young.count()
Be especially careful where compound clauses involve table changes:
>>> women_to_sweden = female & sweden
>>> women_to_sweden.count() # selection on People table
>>> audience_1 = bookings * (female & sweden)
>>> audience_1.count() # bookings by women who've been to sweden
>>> audience_2 = (bookings * female) & sweden
>>> audience_2.count() # bookings made by a woman, with destination of sweden

Creating data grids
You can create a data grid from a table:
>>> urn = bookings["Booking URN"]
>>> dest = bookings["Destination"]
>>> occupation = people["Occupation"]
>>> town = households["Town"]
>>> datagrid = bookings.datagrid([urn, dest, cost, occupation, town])
Convert it to a Pandas DataFrame:
>>> datagrid.to_df()
Booking URN Destination Cost Occupation Town
0 10001265 France 1392.35 Sales Executive Aberdeen
1 10001266 France 780.34 Sales Executive Aberdeen
2 10011532 Germany 181.68 Manual Worker Alford
3 10011533 Germany 300.67 Manual Worker Alford
4 10015830 Unclassified 228.70 Sales Executive Macduff
.. ... ... ... ... ...
995 10996176 United States 241.24 Professional Glenrothes
996 10996177 Greece 343.23 Manager Glenrothes
997 10996178 United States 636.22 Manager Glenrothes
998 10996179 United States 356.21 Manager Glenrothes
999 10996180 United States 438.20 Manager Glenrothes

[1000 rows x 5 columns]
You can use a base selection to filter the records:
>>> sweden = dest == "29"
>>> sweden_datagrid = sweden.datagrid([urn, dest, cost, occupation, town])
>>> sweden_datagrid.to_df()
Booking URN Destination Cost Occupation Town
0 10172319 Sweden 1201.81 Sales Executive Bolton
1 10384970 Sweden 344.30 Manager Chelmsford
2 10421011 Sweden 322.89 Sales Executive Croydon
3 10425298 Sweden 880.02 Student South Croydon
4 10479109 Sweden 172.91 Retail Worker Nantwich
.. ... ... ... ... ...
995 11471824 Sweden 118.76 Sales Executive King's Lynn
996 11576762 Sweden 652.38 Public Sector Redhill
997 11576764 Sweden 183.36 Public Sector Redhill
998 11682962 Sweden 1166.38 Manager London
999 11754655 Sweden 192.45 Sales Executive Ascot

[1000 rows x 5 columns]
You can filter using a selection from a different table:
>>> manchester = households["Region"] == "13"
>>> manc_datagrid = manchester.datagrid(
... [urn, dest, cost, occupation, town], table=bookings
... )
>>> manc_datagrid.to_df()
Booking URN Destination Cost Occupation Town
0 10172319 Sweden 1201.81 Sales Executive Bolton
1 10172320 United States 1616.80 Sales Executive Bolton
2 10173729 France 581.71 Student Bolton
3 10173730 France 2224.70 Student Bolton
4 10177047 France 686.53 Sales Executive Bolton
.. ... ... ... ... ...
995 11739340 Australia 316.60 Professional Stalybridge
996 11739342 Unclassified 316.58 Sales Executive Stalybridge
997 12087034 Greece 1305.66 Public Sector Altrincham
998 12087035 United States 585.65 Public Sector Altrincham
999 12087036 Australia 496.64 Public Sector Altrincham

[1000 rows x 5 columns]

Creating cubes
You can create a cube from a table:
>>> occupation = people["Occupation"]
>>> income = people["Income"]
>>> gender = people["Gender"]
>>> cube = people.cube([occupation, income, gender])
Convert it to a Pandas DataFrame:
>>> df = cube.to_df()
>>> df.head(10)
Occupation Income Gender
Manual Worker <£10k Female 15624
Male 5321
Unknown 5
£10-20k Female 43051
Male 5992
Unknown 25
£20-30k Female 1498
Male 649
Unknown 14
£30-40k Female 675
You can pivot the dimensions to make it easier to read:
>>> df.unstack(level=0)
People ...
Occupation Director Manager ... Student Unemployed
Income Gender ...
<£10k Female 1279 4649 ... 28002 21385
Male 832 2926 ... 14296 8386
Unknown 4 16 ... 10 155
£10-20k Female 4116 16665 ... 39462 17230
Male 2139 9123 ... 17917 4532
Unknown 9 47 ... 25 368
£100k+ Female 2 1 ... 2 0
Male 1 0 ... 3 0
Unknown 1 0 ... 1 0
£20-30k Female 1267 6238 ... 6669 5747
Male 1050 5315 ... 5274 1345
Unknown 5 45 ... 22 236
£30-40k Female 1591 6621 ... 5690 3117
Male 1940 9713 ... 6345 1049
Unknown 46 140 ... 63 519
£40-50k Female 265 965 ... 587 262
Male 518 1800 ... 943 115
Unknown 22 58 ... 29 110
£50-60k Female 336 806 ... 425 277
Male 607 1677 ... 692 69
Unknown 47 88 ... 64 89
£60-70k Female 40 112 ... 54 58
Male 96 220 ... 95 8
Unknown 11 16 ... 17 17
£70-80k Female 44 96 ... 42 27
Male 102 179 ... 63 5
Unknown 12 22 ... 15 5
£80-90k Female 11 11 ... 3 0
Male 14 13 ... 16 0
Unknown 4 3 ... 5 0
£90-100k Female 1 0 ... 1 1
Male 11 7 ... 4 0
Unknown 3 6 ... 9 0

[33 rows x 10 columns]
You can use a base selection to filter the records:
>>> occupation = people["Occupation"]
>>> region = households["Region"]
>>> student = occupation == "4"
>>> student_cube = student.cube([occupation, dest, region])
>>> student_df = student_cube.to_df()
>>> student_df.head()
Occupation Destination Region
Manual Worker Australia North 0
North West (Excluding Gtr Manchester) 0
South East (Outside M25 ) 0
South West 0
East Midlands 0
Selecting only cells where Occupation is Student,
and pivoting Destination dimension:
>>> student_df.loc["Student"].unstack(level=0)
People ...
Destination Australia Denmark ... Sweden United States
Region ...
Channel Islands 46 1 ... 10 81
East Anglia 989 0 ... 109 905
East Midlands 1956 0 ... 174 1762
Greater Manchester 1197 1 ... 147 1089
North 959 2 ... 115 869
North West (Excluding Gtr Manchester) 1594 2 ... 177 1429
Northern Ireland 467 0 ... 42 492
Scotland 2061 1 ... 224 1964
South East (Inside M25 ) 3935 0 ... 390 3580
South East (Outside M25 ) 6255 1 ... 608 5587
South West 2310 0 ... 182 2037
Wales 974 0 ... 122 860
West Midlands 2643 0 ... 288 2362
Yorkshire and Humber 2295 0 ... 249 2089

[14 rows x 19 columns]
You can use a selection from a different table to filter the records in the cube:
>>> manchester = region == "13"
>>> manc_cube = manchester.cube([occupation, dest, region], table=bookings)
>>> manc_cube.to_df()
Occupation Destination Region
Manual Worker Australia North 0
North West (Excluding Gtr Manchester) 0
South East (Outside M25 ) 0
South West 0
East Midlands 0
Retired South Africa Scotland 0
Wales 0
Northern Ireland 0
Greater Manchester 0
Channel Islands 0

[2660 rows x 1 columns]
You can find the complete documentation
including a more thorough tutorial
on the Apteco website.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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