apx-changelog 1.0.18

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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apxchangelog 1.0.18

PyPI package to generate changelogs from a git repository.
For examples, look at changelogs of the following projects:


Must be run in the root of a git repository.
usage: changelog.py [-h] --ref REF
[--out OUT]
[--releases RELEASES]
[--log LOG]
[--title TITLE]
[--ver VER]

Changelog generator for git repository

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ref REF git ref from which to collect changes
--comments append comments section
--out OUT output filename to store collected changelog markdown text
--releases RELEASES releases repository name if different
--log LOG filename of changelog file to update
--title TITLE project title for changelog file updates
--ver VER project version X.Y[.Z] for changelog file updates
--mkver MKVER filename to store current version (X.Y.Z)

The utility will parse commits and include commit messages starting with the following keywords:

feat: New Features
fix: Bug Fixes
refactor: Refactoring
perf: Performance Enhancements
opt: Optimizations
docs: Documentation Changes
chore: Administration and Chores

Example commit message:
fix: a fix of a bug (closes user/repo#123)

Will produce the following section in the changelog output:
# Bug Fixes

* a fix of a bug (closes [`123`](https://github.com/user/repo/issues/123))

The issue user/repo can be omitted, then the link will point to the current repository.
A multi-line commit message will add comments section in changelog, displaying full text of the commit message.
The changelog file specified with the --log option can have a template header, written in /.changelog file.
Repository tags
The git repository can have tags in the format v1.2 to simplify versioning (vZ.Y.Z) using git.describe('--always', '--tags', '--match=v*.*').
Releases must be tagged in the format release-X.Y.Z.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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