APyK 0.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

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APyK 0.0.2

APyK - APK Backup
APyK is a program with which you will be able to backup your applications from your computer, FREE and better yet WITHOUT BEING ROOT. Without further ado, let's get started.
💻 - Pre-requisites
Have basic knowledge of ADB (Android Debug Bridge), you will need to install it, add it to the environment variables and authorize your computer to access the device.
APyK was tested and programmed with ADB version 1.0.32 Revision eac51f2bb6a8-android.
🐍 - Installation from Python
You can use APyK from Python.
pip install APyK

After install type apyk and press Enter
⬇️ - Download executable
Download the latest version of APyK for Windows from HERE. After downloading extract and run the apyk.exe file located in the extracted folder. You will see many command line windows opening and closing in some processes, we will see if we can suppress them in future versions.
📘 - Usage

🔽 Click here to expand tutorial! 🔽
👀 Remember

Have ADB added to the system environment variables.
Have granted permissions to the computer to access the device.
Have the device in debug mode.
And (of course), have the device connected to the computer via USB.

🔎 App name lookup

This warning is due to the fact that when listing the applications installed on your device they will look approximately as follows:

Each app in the playstore has a unique ID, and these are the ones that will be displayed in the list of apps, as you can see there are some that can be easily identified, however there are others whose IDs have nothing to do with the original name and for some people it is difficult to know which app corresponds, such as Tik Tok:

Anyway, returning to the main point, if we decide to activate the option in question, APyK will look for the real name of the app based on the ID of this, and it will go from looking like we showed it before to look like this:
org.telegram.messenger | Telegram
com.whatsapp | WhatsApp Messenger
com.facebook.lite | Facebook Lite
com.zhiliaoapp.musically | Tik Tok

Please note that this option requires an internet connection, and depending on the speed of the internet connection the list of applications will be loaded.
NOTE: As it says in the warning, apps that do not belong to the Play Store will not be affected, since as I mentioned before, the search is done based on the ID with which the app is registered.
At once I say that this option is courtesy of the library google-play-scraper, credits to its creator.
🖥️ Main Screen
Once you have made a decision regarding the above option, if you have the above HERE, the program will automatically start searching for the installed applications, and if everything went well, it will display the respective list.

On the main screen we have (for now):

ID of the detected device
Field to filter the listed applications
List of applications
And some very obvious buttons

A very intuitive interface, isn't it? Simple just select with a click the applications you want to back up, you can also use the filter bar to find more quickly those applications of which you have a notion of the name that has its package ID. Like the example you will see below:

When you select the applications the interface will change, and a new list will appear with the applications you have selected and the button to proceed with the backup.

Once you are satisfied with your selection, press the Backup button. You will instantly be prompted to browse and select the destination directory for the apks to be backed up. Note that if you cancel the directory selection, the backup process will also be cancelled. Once you have selected the destination directory the backup process will start, and at the end you will see the following screen:

(For now) the resulting file names will be the package IDs of each application, so our final directory would look like this:


Restore or install APKs
Save each backed up apk with its application name (if available)
Support for other operating systems (Do you want to contribute?)

💪 - Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
📝 - License


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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