apykuma 1.2.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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apykuma 1.2.0


Small library to notify Uptime Kuma that the service is up.
Only async applications are supported.
Firstly, install the library:
pip install apykuma

Then include it in your code:
import logging
import apykuma

await apykuma.start(
# Required; Push URL from Kuma GUI
# Optional; default is 60 seconds
# Optional; sleeps for N seconds before pinging Kuma, in case if you run `apykuma` right before starting your service
# (if service fails, `apykuma` won't start as well). The recommended value is 10 seconds
# Optional; function that is called when during ping we encourage an error
# it is done to notify you about (e.g.) network errors, and to not
# stop the process of pinging kuma on such errors
# by default, it logs an error using `logging` library (default value is shown below),
# also supports async functions
handle_exception=lambda e: logging.getLogger("apykuma").exception(e),

It is important to start apykuma after your service starts.
Differences from pykuma
That library is great, but it has some problems:

It uses globals, which I personally don't like
It blocks the loop every time it sends a request, because it uses requests library instead of aiohttp. See also https://github.com/oliverstech/pykuma/issues/2.

Installing for local developing
git clone https://github.com/PerchunPak/apykuma.git
cd apykuma

Installing poetry
Next we need install poetry with recommended way.
If you use Linux, use command:
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python -

If you use Windows, open PowerShell with admin privileges and use:
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -

Installing dependencies
poetry install --no-dev

All configuration happens in config.yml, or with enviroment variables.
If something is not clear
You can always write me!
This project was generated with python-template.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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