apyori 1.1.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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apyori 1.1.2

Apyori is a simple implementation of
Apriori algorithm with Python 2.7 and 3.3 - 3.5,
provided as APIs and as commandline interfaces.

Module Features

Consisted of only one file and depends on no other libraries,
which enable you to use it portably.
Able to used as APIs.

Application Features

Supports a JSON output format.
Supports a TSV output format for 2-items relations.

Choose one from the following.

Put apyori.py into your project.
Run python setup.py install.

API Usage
Here is a basic example:
from apyori import apriori

transactions = [
['beer', 'nuts'],
['beer', 'cheese'],
results = list(apriori(transactions))
For more details, see apyori.apriori pydoc.

CLI Usage
First, prepare input data as tab-separated transactions.

Each item is separated with a tab.
Each transactions is separated with a line feed code.

Second, run the application.
Input data is given as a standard input or file paths.

Run with python apyori.py command.
If installed, you can also run with apyori-run command.

For more details, use ‘-h’ option.


Basic usage
apyori-run < data/integration_test_input_1.tsv

Use TSV output
apyori-run -f tsv < data/integration_test_input_1.tsv
Fields of output mean:

Base item.
Appended item.

Specify the minimum support
apyori-run -s 0.5 < data/integration_test_input_1.tsv

Specify the minimum confidence
apyori-run -c 0.5 < data/integration_test_input_1.tsv


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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