aRez 0.2.4

Creator: coderz1093

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aRez 0.2.4

Async Python HiRez API wrapper
This project was created to simplify access to the API, as well as incorporate some data
pre-processing and consistency. I am aware that PyRez
already exists, however this project aims to do couple of things differently:

It's entirely async from the ground up, built using 'aiohttp'
Uses modern objective programming approach
Utilizes a local data cache to return data-rich objects

This library is supposed to be used as a module.
As of right now, only PaladinsAPI is supported. Smite support is planned - please read below.
Currently supported:

getgods / getchampions and getitems regarding god / champion
and card / talent / shop item information
getplayer (Player stats)
getplayerbatch (Multiple player stats at once)
getplayeridbyname, getplayeridsbygamertag and searchplayers under a single,
intuitive method (Finding the players)
getfriends (Player friends)
getgodranks / getchampionranks (God / Champion stats)
getplayerloadouts (Player loadouts for each god / champion)
getplayerstatus (Player status)
getmatchhistory (Player's recent matches)
getmatchdetails (Match details, by the ID or from player's recent matches)
getplayeridbyportaluserid (Finding the player by their Portal ID)
getmatchplayerdetails (Information about the current player's match)
getplayerachievements (Player overall match stats)
getmatchdetailsbatch (Fetching multiple matches at once)
getmatchidsbyqueue (Fetching all matches by queue)
getqueuestats (Player match stats by queue)

There are plans on expanding the existing framework to incorporate the above and below:

Adding documentation
Support for SmiteAPI (support Smite endpoint URL)

Support for Teams

Support for getteamdetails endpoint
Support for getteamplayers endpoint
Support for searchteams endpoint

If you have some experience with Smite and it's API, and would be interested in working with me
together on expanding this project, please don't hessitate to contact me
(you can find contact information below).

Python 3.8+
aiohttp 2.0+


aRez Documentation
Official HiRez API Documentation

Please see for more examples.
import asyncio

import arez # import the wrapper

DEV_ID = 1234 # your Developer ID (example)
AUTH_KEY = "L2U3M60A03662R24UKOMY0FIT4S2IBKU" # your Auth Key (example)

async def main():
# create an API instance
api = arez.PaladinsAPI(DEV_ID, AUTH_KEY)
# fetch Player stats
player = await api.get_player(5959045)
# display your rank
# close the API once you're done with it
await api.close()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete(main()) # run the async loop


Discord: DevilXD#4437
This is an alpha version - as of right now, everything is a subject to change.
Once both Paladins and Smite (and maybe Realm Royale) APIs are supported, this wrapper is going to
have it's v1.0 release, and I will try to manage the versioning the proper way from there.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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