argparse-autogen 1.4

Creator: railscoder56

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argparseautogen 1.4

argparse-autogen================|PyPI| |PyPI| |PyPI version| |GitHub release| |Build Status| |codecov||GitHub license|Parser with automatic creation of parsers and subparsers for paths.Installation------------Supported versions of python: **``3.3+``** (because ofinspect.Signature, which was introduced in python 3.3).. code:: shell pip install argparse-autogenUsage-----``argparse_autogen.EndpointParser`` is intended to replace basic``argparse.ArgumentParser``. It extends subparsers creation logic, andadds a new special method ``add_endpoint``.Simple example:.. code:: python import argparse_autogen class MyCli(): def do_stuff(self, target, force=False): """ This does cool stuff! :param str target: Target to execute a cool stuff :param bool force: Force doing cool stuff """ print(target, force) cli = MyCli() parser = argparse_autogen.EndpointParser() parser.add_endpoint('do_stuff', cli.do_stuff) parser.parse_and_call(['do_stuff', 'my target']) # this will print "my target false" parser.parse_and_call(['do_stuff', '--force', 'my target']) # this will print "my target true"``add_endpoint`` method is clever enough to parse methods docstring andadd corresponding helps in arguments. For example,``parser.parse_args(['do_stuff', '--help'])`` in above example will showsomething like:: usage: do_stuff [-h] [--force] This does cool stuff! optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --force Force doing cool stuffThis magic is done by ``argparse_autogen.autospec`` function. Itintrospects function signature, and adds corresponding argparsearguments to parser. ``**kwargs`` are supported and can be passed as``[key=value [key=value ...]]``. You can override argument settings bypassing ``argument_overrides`` option to ``add_endpoint``. This must bea ``dict[str, dict]`` where keys are parameter name, and values areparameters to override defaults passed to ``parser.add_argument``More endpoint examples----------------------Nested class and complex paths:.. code:: python import argparse_autogen class MyCli(): def __init__(self): self.users = self.Users() self.groups = self.Groups() class Users(): def get(self, user_id): pass def list(self, **filter): pass def set_roles(self, user_id, *role): pass def update(self, user_id, **fields): pass class Groups(): def get(self, group_id): pass cli = MyCli() parser = argparse_autogen.EndpointParser() parser.add_endpoint('users.get', cli.users.get, argument_overrides={'user_id': {'help': 'Users id'}}) parser.add_endpoint('users.list', cli.users.list) parser.add_endpoint(cli.users.update) # this will use __qualname__ of update func as path, lowercased and trailing and ending underscores removed. # The first item of qualname is skipped, so it would be `users.update`, not `mycli.users.update` # Alternatively, you can use autogeneration of paths and endpoints: # parser.generate_endpoints(cli.users, root_path='users', endpoint_kwargs={'users.get': {'argument_overrides': {'user_id': {'help': 'Users id'}}}}) # Will create endpoints from class methods. groups_get_parser = parser.add_endpoint('groups get', cli.groups.get, autospec=False) groups_get_parser.add_argument('group_id', help='Group id') users_parser = parser.get_endpoint_parser('users') users_parser.description = 'Users operations' parser.parse_and_call()History-------1.2 (2017-03-01)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Ability to automatically generate path from func's qualname1.1 (2017-02-28)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Filter args from func signature in call method #11.0 (2017-02-26)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- First release0.1 (2017-02-25)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Initial commit.. |PyPI| image:: :target: |PyPI| image:: :target: |PyPI version| image:: :target: |GitHub release| image:: :target: |Build Status| image:: :target: |codecov| image:: :target: |GitHub license| image:: :target:


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