argumentparser 1.2.1

Creator: railscoder56

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argumentparser 1.2.1

A utility class for parsing command-line arguments.

@param names list<string> - This is a list of “names” which should reflect each argument.
@param shortOptions list<string> - This is a list of short (-x val) options. Length should match names. If no short option is available, use ‘None’. Omit the leading -
@param longOptions list<string> - This is a list of long (–xyz val or –xyz= val) options. If no long option is available, use ‘None’. Omit the leading –
@param staticOptions list<string> - This is a list of static options (arguments that have meaning just being present, without taking an additional value).

Any members of this list will be present in the results of #parse, set to True is present, otherwise False.

@param multipleStaticOptions <dict> - A dictionary for multiple static arguments that resolve to one value. Key is the “name”, values are all potential values. Ex: {‘cheese’ : [’–cheddar’, ‘gouda’] } presence of either ‘gouda’ or ‘–cheddar’ in results would set cheese to True, otherwise False.
@param allowOtherArguments <bool> default False - if False, consider non-specified arguments as errors. Regardless of value, unmatched params will be in ‘unmatched’ key of return value.


def parse(args)

parse - Parses provided arguments and returns information on them. If using sys.argv, omit the first argument.

@return - dict keys are

‘result’ => dictionary of result name->value
‘errors’ => list of strings of errors or empty list
‘warnings’ => list of strings of warnings, or empty list
‘unmatched’ => list of strings of unmatched params, in order


In [1]: from ArgumentParser import ArgumentParser
In [2]: parser = ArgumentParser([‘firstName’, ‘lastName’, ‘birthday’],

…: [‘f’, ‘l’, ‘b’],
…: [‘first-name’, ‘last-name’, ‘birthday’],
…: [’–citizen’]

In [3]: parser.parse(‘-f Tim –last-name=savannah –birthday 6/28’.split(’ ‘))
{‘errors’: [],

‘result’: {’–citizen’: False,
‘birthday’: ‘6/28’,
‘firstName’: ‘Tim’,
‘lastName’: ‘savannah’},
‘warnings’: [],
‘unmatched’ : []}

In [4]: parser.parse(‘-f Tim –last-name=savannah –citizen’.split(’ ‘))
{‘errors’: [],

‘result’: {’–citizen’: True, ‘firstName’: ‘Tim’, ‘lastName’: ‘savannah’},
‘warnings’: [],
‘unmatched’: []}


>>> from ArgumentParser import ArgumentParser
>>> parser = ArgumentParser([‘name’], [‘n’], [‘name’], None, False)
>>> parser.parse(‘-n hello some other args’.split(’ ‘))
{‘errors’: [“Unknown argument ‘some’ (at position 2)”, “Unknown argument ‘other’ (at position 3)”, “Unknown argument ‘args’ (at position 4)”], ‘result’: {‘name’: ‘hello’}, ‘unmatched’: [‘some’, ‘other’, ‘args’], ‘warnings’: []}
>>> parser = ArgumentParser([‘name’], [‘n’], [‘name’], None, True)
>>> parser.parse(‘-n hello some other args’.split(’ ‘))
{‘errors’: [], ‘result’: {‘name’: ‘hello’}, ‘unmatched’: [‘some’, ‘other’, ‘args’], ‘warnings’: []}


>>> import ArgumentParser
>>> parser = ArgumentParser.ArgumentParser( (‘one’, ‘two’), (‘o’, ‘t’), (‘uno’, ‘dos’), (‘x’), {‘cheese’ : [‘cheddar’, ‘gouda’], ‘baby’ : {‘child’, ‘infant’}} )
>>> parser.parse([‘-o’, ‘1’, ‘cheddar’])
{‘errors’: [], ‘result’: {‘baby’: False, ‘cheese’: True, ‘x’: False, ‘one’: ‘1’}, ‘unmatched’: [], ‘warnings’: []}


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