arguspy 2.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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arguspy 2.0.0


[Deprecated] As nagios is too old, this project is deprecated.
Please Move to another project [super-devops].
Arguspy is pure python code.
It’s a API packge for monitoring plugins, like Nagios, Icinga, Naemon, Shinken, Centreon, Opsview and Sensu.

How to install
Use pip to install:
$ pip install super_devops
$ pip install arguspy

How to use
Just import what protocol you need:
from arguspy.ftp_ftplib import Ftp
from arguspy.http_requests import Http
from arguspy.mssql_pymssql import Mssql
from arguspy.mysql_pymysql import Mysql
from arguspy.ssh_paramiko import Ssh
from arguspy.winrm_pywinrm import WinRM
from arguspy.wmi_sh import Wmi
from arguspy.wmi_subprocess import Wmi
Then write your own function monitoring class:
class YourClass(Ftp/Mssql/Ssh/WinRM/Wmi/Http/Snmp/...):
def __init__(self):
super(YourClass, self).__init__()
self.logger.debug("Init YourClass.")

def define_sub_options(self):
super(YourClass, self).define_sub_options()
self.your_parser = self.subparsers.add_parser(...)

def your_handle(self):
"""Put your function monitoring code here."""
# Default status is ok.
status = self.ok

# Call the API and get the monitoring data.
# Read the document or check the API on python/ipython Interactive console.
# help(Ftp/...)
# dir(Ftp/...)

# Compare with the warning and critical value and change the status.

self.shortoutput = "..."

self.logger.debug("Return status and output.")
If you put more than one function monitoring class in one file(Not recommend):
class Register(YourClass1, YourClass2, ...):
def __init__(self):
super(Register, self).__init__()
Last step:
def main():
plugin = Register()
if plugin.args.option == 'action':
elif ...:
plugin.unknown("Unknown actions.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

How to extends
Check the TODO list, you can give test examples or documents.
Also you can pull request for your code.


Write unit tests in tests/
Write docs in docs/
Write examples in examples/
Compatible with Python3
vSphere monitoring
LDAP monitoring
SNMP monitoring





For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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