armmwave 0.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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armmwave 0.1.0

Code that calculates transmittace and reflectance of materials at millimeter
This software was developed to aid in development of anti-reflection coatings
for millimeter-wave optics---specifically, for optics used in Cosmic Microwave
Background (CMB) experiments. CMB experiments have begun to adopt
high-refractive index materials for their lenses. While there are many perks to
this optical design, there are also a few drawbacks. One of these is reflection.
High-refractive index materials---such as aluminum oxide and silicon, both of
which are used in CMB experiments---reflect a significant fraction of the light
that fall on them. To reduce that fraction we create anti-reflection coatings to
cover the lenses.
One way to make a coating that operates over a wide range of frequencies
(wavelengths) is to stack layers of different dielectric materials. Working out
the transmittance and reflectance of a multilayer dielectric structure is a
problem that can be handled using the characteristic matrix method. Enter
Please note: This code is under active development. While it has been verified
against experimental spectroscopic data (~25 to 500 GHz; examples will be
uploaded soon), make sure you understand the intricacies of your specific data
or model.
armmwave provides a means to set up and evaluate models of multilayer
dielectric media. To do this, create one or more Layer's (with associated
refractive index and thickness---and an optional loss term), create a Source
layer and Terminator layer (which are required for bookkeeping), and a
Model. By default, reflectance and transmittance is calculated between 500 MHz
and 500 GHz, but you can change this if you want. Here's an example model of a
sheet of ceramic material (in this case aluminum oxide) in a vacuum:
import armmwave.layer as awl
import armmwave.model as awm

# First create a list of layers (dielectrics) in the order
# they should be evaluated
layers = [awl.Source(),
awl.Layer(rind=3.1, thick=2e-3), # thickness in meters
# Now create the model framework, feed it the layers, and run!
model = awm.Model()
results = returns a dictionary with three keys: frequency,
transmittance, and reflectance.
Contribution guidelines
This code is under active development. If you have an idea for a feature or use
case, please open an issue ticket. Let's talk! If you have an idea and you've
already written the code---that's great! Create a pull request and we can go
from there.
Let's face it: there are probably bugs. If you find one, please open an issue
ticket. Include a description of the issue and, if possible, a minimal working
example. I appreciate your patience (and your help).

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