arpa 0.1.0b4

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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arpa 0.1.0b4

Python ARPA Package
Python library for reading ARPA n-gram models.

Documentation is available.
Changes between releases are documented.
Bugs can be reported on the issue tracker.
Questions can be asked via e-mail.
Source code is tracked on GitHub.

Python 3.4+

In order to install the Python 3 version:
$ pip install --user -U arpa

Python 2.7

In order to install the Python 2.7 version:
$ pip install --user -U arpa-backport

The package may be imported directly:
import arpa # Python 3.4+
# OR
import arpa_backport as arpa # Python 2.7

models = arpa.loadf("")
lm = models[0] # ARPA files may contain several models.

# probability p(end|in, the)
lm.p("in the end")
lm.log_p("in the end")

# sentence score w/ sentence markers
lm.s("This is the end .")
lm.log_s("This is the end .")

# sentence score w/o sentence markers
lm.s("This is the end .", sos=False, eos=False)
lm.log_s("This is the end .", sos=False, eos=False)


Contributions are welcome!
Write a bug report or send a pull request.
Other contributors have done so before.
Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Stefan Fischer
The source code is available under the MIT License.
See LICENSE for further details.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
You should Keep a CHANGELOG, too!
Next Release
0.1.0b4 - 2018-12-12
0.1.0b3 - 2018-12-06
0.1.0b2 - 2018-04-28
0.1.0b1 - 2015-09-13
0.1.0a6 - 2015-07-24
0.1.0a5 - 2015-07-19
0.1.0a4 - 2015-07-14
0.1.0a3 - 2015-07-10
0.1.0a2 - 2015-07-05
0.1.0a1 - 2015-07-05
First release on PyPI.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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