artificial-artwork 1.1.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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artificialartwork 1.1.0

Neural Style Transfer - CLI
Create artificial artwork by transfering the appearance of one image (eg a famous painting) to another
user-supplied image (eg your favourite photograph).


Uses a Neural Style Transfer algorithm to transfer the appearance, which you can run though a CLI program.
Neural Style Tranfer (NST) is an algorithm that applies the style of an image to the contents of another and produces a generated image.
The idea is to find out how someone, with the painting style shown in one image, would depict the contents shown in another image.
NST takes a content image (eg picture taken with your camera) and a style image (eg a picture of a Van Gogh painting) and produces the generated image.
This Python package runs a Neural Style Tranfer algorithm on input content and style images to produce generated images.




code quality


This package exposes a configurable NST algorithm via a convenient CLI program.
Key features of the package:

Selection of style layers at runtime
Iterative Learning Algorithm using the VGG Deep Neural Network
Selection of iteration termination condition at runtime
Fast minimization of loss/cost function with parallel/multicore execution, using Tensorflow
Persisting of generated images


Run a demo NST, on sample Content and Style Images:

mkdir art
export NST_HOST_MOUNT="$PWD/art"

docker-compose up

# Process runs, in containerized environment, and exits.

Check out your Generated Image!
Artificial Artwork: art/canoe_water_w300-h225.jpg+blue-red_w300-h225.jpg-100.png

xdg-open art/canoe_water_w300-h225.jpg+blue-red_w300-h225.jpg-100.png

Run the nst CLI with the –help option to see the available options.
docker run boromir674/neural-style-transfer:1.0.2 --help

Install nst CLI and artificial_artwork python package from pypi`:
pip install artificial_artwork
Only python3.8 wheel is included atm.
Sample commands to install the NST CLI from source, using a terminal:
git clone

pip install ./neural-style-transfer

The Neural Style Transfer - CLI heavely depends on Tensorflow (tf) and therefore it is crucial that tf is installed correctly in your Python environment.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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