asagg-lib 0.1.1

Creator: coderz1093

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asagglib 0.1.1

The Asagg library (Auto Setter And Getter Generator) is a library inspired by another
library that is in the Java environment, which is the Lombock library, this library
aims to automate the generation of access methods to private attributes,
automatically generating Getters and Setters Among other things.
To install the library use the following command, you can also use another
dependency manager of your choice, such as Poetry or
# for pip
> pip install asagg-lib

# for Poetry
> poetry add --group=dev asagg-lib

# for Pipenv
> pipenv install asagg-lib

Following the same line of operation as Lombock, to be able to use the library, just
use a decorator and the magic will happen. The decorators are divided into three functions
where each one has a functionality and one has the functionality of the other two,
being their combination.
Old way to create properties without Asagg:
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self._my_private_attribute = "private"

def my_private_attribute(self):
return self._my_private_attribute

my_class = MyClass()

# method generated automaticly with Asagg
print(my_class.my_private_attribute) # Output: "private"

New way to create properties with Asagg:
from asagg_lib import Asagg

class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self._my_private_attribute = "private"

my_class = MyClass()

# method generated automaticly with Asagg
print(my_class.my_private_attribute) # Output: "private"

This decorator is responsible for generating the getters of the class to which it is applied,
it will scan the attributes of the class and take only the private and protected attributes,
then a function will be applied to generate a property for each attribute collected
and thus making the getters available
from asagg_lib import Asagg

class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self._my_private_attribute = "private"

This decorator is responsible for generating the setters of the class to which it is applied,
it will scan the attributes of the class and take only the private and protected attributes,
then a function will be applied to generate a property for each attribute collected
and thus making the setters available
from asagg_lib import Asagg

class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self._my_private_attribute = "private"

📘 Info
The function used to generate the setters also uses a typing
check to prevent a value of a different type from being assigned to the property
This decorator is responsible for generating the setters and getters of the class to which
it is applied, it will scan the attributes of the class and take only the private
and protected attributes, then a function will be applied to generate a property
for each attribute collected and thus making the setters and getters available
from asagg_lib import Asagg
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self._my_private_attribute = "private"

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