asciiporn 2009.05.01

Creator: coderz1093

Last updated:

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asciiporn 2009.05.01

originally an ascii art graphics library for ssh terminal,
but expanded to include scientific visualization.

this package has 2 main files:
asciiporn/ ## initialize custom import hook to load
asciiporn/ ## contains EVERYTHING

how to enable 256 color in putty:
how to enable 256 color in xterm:
how to enable 256 color in screen:

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mqeukS)Lx*~_.` `.'~|r/)F1ywqH Extra close brace or missing open braceExtra close brace or missing open brace python dev --quicktest
render color image in shell terminal & plot scientific functions as well

>>> from asciiporn import *

>>> print( img2txt("filename") )
display color image from gif, jpg, bmp, ... to screen.
only works if u have Python Imaging Library installed

>>> help(img2txt.load)
display img2txt options

>>> plot(ft = lambda t: cos(t), tmin = 0, tmax = 16)
plot cos(t) for t = [0, 16]

>>> plot(ft = [cos, sin], tmin = 0, tmax = 16)
plot 2 functions, cos & sin

>>> plot( y = [1.5, 2.5, 3.5], t = [0, 1, 2] )
plot datapoints (y, t) = (1.5, 0), (2.5, 1), (3.5, 2)

>>> f = lambda t, z: sin( t*(2*pi + z) ) * (0.5 + z) - z
>>> plot3d(ftz = ftz, tmin = 0, tmax = 16, zmin = 0, zmax = 1)
plot f in 3d using specified ranges for t & z

>>> help(plot.__call__)
>>> help(dataZYT.__new__)
display plot options

>>> fitpoly2d.test()
test asciiporn's polynomial fitting routine
peruse fitpoly.test in asciiporn/ for usage

>>> fft2d.test()
test asciiporn's cosine fitting routine
peruse fft2d.test in asciiporn/ for usage

fixed installation bugs
added retro-gif feature
removed py3to2 requirement
update documentation
rewrote 3d plotter
fixed more 64bit issues
fixed bug where 64bit gets truncated to 32 on 32bit machine
256 color support
fixed bugs in


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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