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asfamcparser 0.0.2
# PyAsfAmc
Author: Nikhil Reji
generic asf/amc parser following standard version 1.1.
ASF parser
AMC parser
Simple, Clean data structure.
from asfamcparser import ParseASF, ParseAMC
Data Structure
Immutable class where every property is optional.
- name : str
- dof : NamedTuple e.g (rx=(-inf,inf), ry=(-inf,inf), rz=(-inf,inf))
- direction : Tuple e.g (0.0, 1.2, 2.2)
- length : float
- axis : NamedTuple e.g (X=0.0, Y=0.0, Z=0.0)
- order : Tuple e.g ("X", "Y", "Z")
NamedTuple values can be accessed either through their index or their names as follows:
Immutable class.
- name : str
- units : NamedTuple e.g ("mass"="kg", "length"="mm", "angle"="Deg")
- doc : str
- joints : Tuple[Joint, ...]
- hierarchy : dict where each key corresponds to a a joint that has children.
Individual joints can be retrieved using the dict key method as follows:
LElbowJoint = ASF["LeftElbow"]
Also, all joints can be accessed through for iterations:
for joint in ASF:
print( )
Immutable class
- count:int (number of frames)
- frames: Tuple[dict,...]
Individual frames can be retrieved using the dict key method as follows:
frameTen = AMC[10]
Individual frames and specific joint data can be retrieved using the dict key method as follows:
frameTenHead = AMC[10]["Head"]
Also, all frames can be accessed through for iterations:
for frame in AMC:
print( frame.count )
The full path to the .asf file is required to parse.
parsedAsf = ParseASF("./recordings/test.asf")
asf = parsedASF.asf
The retrieve asf file can be navigated using its properties described in the data structudre section.
The full path to the .amc file is required to parse.
parsedAmc = ParseAmc("./recordings/test.amc")
amc = parsedAMC.amc
The retrieved amc file can be navigated using its properties described in the data structure section.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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