asgi-user-agents 0.2.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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asgiuseragents 0.2.0


User Agents integration for ASGI applications. Works with Starlette, FastAPI, Quart, Litestar -- or any other web framework supporting ASGI that exposes the ASGI scope.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents
How does it work?
API Reference



NOTE: This is alpha software. Please be sure to pin your dependencies.

Latest Release

pip install asgi-user-agents

Development Version

pip install git+

How does it work?
It simply adds a ua attribute to the request scope. This attribute is an instance of the UADetails class which abstracts the UserAgent class from the user-agents package πŸ“„.
It's pretty simple. Just add the middleware to your ASGI application and access the ua attribute from the request scope.
from asgi_user_agents import UAMiddleware
from asgi_user_agents import UARequest as Request
from fastapi.applications import FastAPI
from starlette.middleware import Middleware
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse, Response

app = FastAPI(middleware=[Middleware(UAMiddleware)])

async def index(request: Request) -> Response:
ua = request.scope["ua"]
data = {
"ua_string": ua.ua_string,
"os": ua.os,
"os.version": ua.os.version,
"os.version_string": ua.os.version_string,
"browser": ua.browser,
"device": ua.device,
"device.brand": ua.device.brand,
"device.model": ua.device.model,
"is_provided": ua.is_provided,
"is_tablet": ua.is_tablet,
"is_mobile": ua.is_mobile,
"is_touch_capable": ua.is_touch_capable,
"is_pc": ua.is_pc,
"is_bot": ua.is_bot,
"is_email_client": ua.is_email_client,
return JSONResponse(data)

API Reference
An ASGI middleware that sets scope["ua"] to an instance of UADetails (scope refers to the ASGI scope).
app = UAMiddleware(app)

A helper that provides shortcuts for accessing User-Agent request header.
ua = UADetails(scope)

ua: UserAgent - The UserAgent instance from the user-agents package.
ua_string: str - The user agent string.
is_provided: bool - True if the user agent string is provided.
os: OperatingSystem - The operating system details of the user agent. It's a named tuple with the following fields:

family: str - The family of the operating system.
version: str - The version of the operating system.
version_string: str - The version of the operating system as a string.

browser: Browser - The browser details of the user agent. It's a named tuple with the following fields:

family: str - The family of the browser.
version: str - The version of the browser.
version_string: str - The version of the browser as a string.

device: Device - The device details of the user agent. It's a named tuple with the following fields:

family: str - The family of the device.
brand: str - The brand of the device.
model: str - The model of the device.

is_tablet: bool - True if the request was made by a tablet.
is_mobile: bool - True if the request was made by a mobile device.
is_touch_capable: bool - True if the request was made by a touch-capable device.
is_pc: bool - True if the request was made by a PC.
is_bot: bool - True if the request was made by a bot.
is_email_client: bool - True if the request was made by an email client.

For Starlette-based frameworks, use this instead of the standard starlette.requests.Request so that code editors understand that request.scope["ua"] contains an UADetails instance:
from asgi_user_agents import UARequest as Request

async def home(request: Request):
reveal_type(request.scope["ua"]) # Revealed type is 'UADetails'

Clone the repository and cd into the project directory:
git clone
cd asgi-user-agents

Install hatch, you can follow the instructions here, or simply run the following command:
pipx install hatch

Initialize the environment and install the dependencies:
hatch shell

Initialize pre-commit hooks by running the following command:
pre-commit install

Make your changes on a new branch and run the tests:
hatch test -a

Make sure that the code is typed, linted, and formatted correctly:
hatch run types:all

Stage your changes and commit them:
git add .
git commit -m "Your message"

Push your changes to the repository:
git push

Create a pull request and wait for the review πŸ€“.

Hasan Sezer Taşan, It's me πŸ‘‹.


This project wouldn't be possible without the user-agents package πŸ™.
The project structure is inspired by the asgi-htmx πŸš€ package and contains some code snippets from it πŸ˜… (even this file).


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asgi-user-agents is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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