ashfaquecodes 0.8

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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ashfaquecodes 0.8

How to install
pip install ashfaquecodes


Color the printed outputs in terminal.
from ashfaquecodes.ashfaquecodes import (
, blue_print_start
, red_print_start
, green_print_start
, color_print_reset
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# blue_print_start()
# green_print_start()

Get a unique list if list of non-unique elements passed in this function.
from ashfaquecodes.ashfaquecodes import unique_list
_ = unique_list(non_unique_list)

Get unique list of dictionaries if a list of duplicate dictionaries passed in this function.
from ashfaquecodes.ashfaquecodes import unique_list_of_dicts
_ = unique_list_of_dicts(non_unique_list_of_dicts)

Get a list of non-empty dictionaries if a list of empty and non-empty dictionaries passed in this function.
from ashfaquecodes.ashfaquecodes import remove_empty_dicts_from_list
_ = remove_empty_dicts_from_list(list_with_empty_dicts)

Get a sorted list of dictionaries returned according to your desired sorting key of the dictionary if a list of non-empty dictionaries passed in this function. Supports ascending and descending order.
from ashfaquecodes.ashfaquecodes import sort_list_of_dicts
_ = sort_list_of_dicts(unsorted_list = unsorted_lst, key = 'dict_key_name', desc = True)

Get execution time of your code. Can also prints the execution time in terminal if an optional parameter print_time = True is passed in the function.
from ashfaquecodes.ashfaquecodes import (
, get_execution_end_time
execution_start_time = get_execution_start_time()
total_execution_time_str = get_execution_end_time(execution_start_time, print_time = True)

Custom Decorator to calculate execution time of a function which will be printed in the terminal during execution of that function.
from ashfaquecodes.ashfaquecodes import timer
def your_function(request):

Custom cprint() function to print output in the terminal with different colors.
from ashfaquecodes.ashfaquecodes import cprint

cprint('This is ' + 'a' + ' test print statement', color='red')
cprint('This is an error message', color='green')
cprint("Python : %2d, Portal : %5.2f" % (1, 05.333), color='yellow')
cprint("Total students : %3d, Boys : %2d" % (240, 120), color='blue')
cprint("%7.3o" % (25), color='magenta')
cprint("%10.3E" % (356.08977), color='cyan')
cprint('I love "{}!"'.format('Python'), color='white')
cprint(f"I love {'Python'} \"{'Language'}!\"", color='red')

data = dict(fun ="Python", adj ="Portal")
cprint("I love {fun} computer {adj}".format(**data), color='red')

cstr = "I love Python"
# Printing the center aligned string with fillchr
cprint("Center aligned string with fillchr: ", color='green')
cprint(, '#'), color='yellow')

# cprinting the left aligned string with "-" padding
cprint("The left aligned string is : ", color='blue')
cprint(cstr.ljust(40, '-'), color='magenta')

# cprinting the right aligned string with "-" padding
cprint("The right aligned string is : ", color='cyan')
cprint(cstr.rjust(40, '-'), color='white')

Custom cpprint function to pprint output in the terminal with different colors and different formats.
from ashfaquecodes.ashfaquecodes import cpprint

sample_data = {
'key5': 'value1',
'key2': 'value2',
'key3': {
'nested_key': 'nested_value',
'nested_dict': {
'deep_key': 'deep_value'
'key4': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'key1': [
{'name': 'John', 'age': 30},
{'name': 'Alice', 'age': 25},
{'name': 'Bob', 'age': 35}

cpprint(sample_data, indent = 4, color='green', width=80, depth=2, compact=False, sort_dicts=True)
# Available colors: ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white']

Query a large list of dicts like any SQL WHERE clause.
from ashfaquecodes.ashfaquecodes import query_list_of_dicts

data = [
{'age': 23, 'name': 'user11'},
{'age': 27, 'name': 'user12'},
{'age': 25, 'name': 'user13'}

# Using the 'sqlite' engine (default)
query_conditions = "age > 25 OR name LIKE '%user11%'"
filtered_data = query_list_of_dicts(input_list_of_dicts, query_conditions)

# Using the 'pandas' engine (pandas needs to be installed to use this)
query_conditions = 'age == 25 or name.str.contains("user11")'
filtered_data = query_list_of_dicts(input_list_of_dicts, query_conditions, engine='pandas')



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