as3ninja 0.6.1

Creator: coderz1093

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as3ninja 0.6.1

AS3 Ninja is a templating and validation engine for your AS3 declarations. No matter if you prefer a CLI or Swagger REST API, AS3 Ninja has you covered!

Free software: ISC license
Works with Python 3.8 and up

What is AS3 Ninja and what can it do for you?
AS3 Ninja is a templating engine as well as a validator for
AS3 declarations.
It offers a CLI for local usage, as well as a OpenAPI/Swagger based REST
AS3 Ninja empowers you to create AS3 declarations in a DevOps way by
embracing the ideas of GitOps and CI/CD.
It separates Configuration from Code (Templates) as far as YOU wish.
AS3 Ninja let's you decide to scale between declarative and imperative
paradigms to fit your needs.
What AS3 Ninja doesn't do:

It does not provide you with a UI to create configurations
It does not deploy AS3 configurations


Validate your AS3 Declarations against the AS3 Schema (via API, eg. for CI/CD) and AS3 specific formats
Create AS3 Declarations from templates using the full power of Jinja2 (CLI and API)

reads your JSON or YAML configurations to generate AS3 Declarations
carefully crafted Jinja2 as3ninja.filters and as3ninja.functions further enhance the templating capabilities

Use Git(hub) to pull template configurations and declaration templates
HashiCorp Vault integration to retrieve secrets
AS3 Ninja provides a simple CLI..
..and a REST API including a Swagger/OpenAPI interface at /api/docs and /api/redoc (openapi.json @ /api/openapi.json)

AS3 Ninja Interface
Some impressions from AS3 Ninja's interfaces:
the Command Line

the API UI
ReDoc and Swagger UI:

Swagger UI demo:

Disclaimer and Security Note
AS3 Ninja is not a commercial product and is not covered by any form of support, there is no contract nor SLA!. Please read, understand and adhere to the license before use.
AS3 Ninja's focus is flexibility in templating and features, it is not hardened to run in un-trusted environments.

It comes with a large set of dependencies, all of them might introduce security issues
Jinja2 is not using a Sandboxed Environment and the readfile filter allows arbitrary file includes.
The API is unauthenticated

WARNING: Only use AS3 Ninja in a trusted environment with restricted access and trusted input.

Where to start?
Read the Docs and then Try it out! :-)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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