astronauth 0.3.3

Creator: codyrutscher

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astronauth 0.3.3

Django App for quickly adding authentication to any Django app.
astronauth is based on the allauth package and updates the templates for follow the Design in ASTRON style (DIAS).
The package is available on pypi:
pip install astronauth

Django Settings
The following settings are the minimal settings required (also check the file.):

SITE_ID is used by allauth, usually it can be set to 1 without any issue. See the Django documentation for more info.
INSTALLED_APPS: make sure astronauth is listed before allauth since it overrides templates

# These are the default and should already be included

"my_app", # if you override any of the templates, this should be here (e.g. custom navigation bar)

## These are required for ASTRONauth
"astronauth", # it is important that astronauth is included before allauth

SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS: is a list of auth providers. astronauth mainly uses Keycloak:

'keycloak': {
'KEYCLOAK_URL': '', # replace by for production
'KEYCLOAK_REALM': 'SDC', # change this depending on which realm to use
'SCOPE': ['openid', 'profile', 'email']

LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL is used to determine where users should be redirected after login. Usually the main index page is a good one (http://localhost:8000/ is used in development)

While DEBUG=True Django hosts the file. For production purposes, consider the Django recommendations form their documentation.

Important: with this configured, you should migrate the database: python migrate before further configuration. Also create a superuser:

$ DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=password python createsuperuser --username admin --email --noinput

Important: replace the username/password and email where necessary
Since astronauth is based on allauth, please take a look at their documentation for all available settings.
Rename session and CSRF Cookies
If multiple apps or services are hosted at the same machine/url, their session or csrf cookies might interfere.
Therefore it is necessary to rename the session and csrf cookies to include the name of the app.
Add the following to your in your Django project folder:
SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = 'my_service_name_session_id'
CSRF_COOKIE_NAME = 'my_service_csrftoken'

Adding a provider
Before adding the provider in your app, make sure you have a realm setup in Keycloak and configured a client in that Keycloak realm. Take note of the Client ID, since you will use it in astronauth.
Make sure that the following options are set:

Client Protocol is openid-connect
For granting acces there are two options:

Front-end applications: Acces Type is public
Back-end applications: Acces Type is confidential + Authorization Enabled is On (it also sets Service Account Enabled to On). Note that is provides a Secret key in the Credentials tab that you need to configure later in your application.

Valid Redirect URIs contains a list or URI for your application. Include http://localhost:8000/ for development (Important: not recommended for production clients!)

Django Admin configuration

Log into the Django admin interface (http://localhost:8000/admin/ in development)
Make sure the Sites contains an entry (should be done by the migrate command) and update them if you need to
In the Social Accounts section, click add on Social applications and use the following settings

Provider => Keycloak
Name => Keycloak (could be anything)
Client id => The Client ID configured in your Keycloak Realm.
Secret => The Secret key provided by the Keycloak Realm in the Credentials tab
Sites => Make sure the site is added, otherwise you will run into No providers available errors.

Adding a custom Navbar
You probably should override the navigation bar, so that it uses the logo of your own application and redirects to the correct view if you click on the logo.
This can be done by creating a template file in one of your apps. Check integration/my_app/templates/astronauth/navbar.html.
Note: Make sure that your app is above astronauth in the INSTALLED_APPS setting for this to work.

example of hosting static files with nginx
example of docker-compose with traefik as reverse proxy

This repository contains a minimal Django project for local development usage.
# Install as an editable package so changes are reflected immediately
pip install -e .
# then from the integration directory
cd integration
# Run the migrations
python migrate
# Create a super user
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=password python createsuperuser --username admin --email --noinput
# Load the setup data
python loaddata fixtures/test_data.json
# the app is then served via "http://localhost:8000/"
python runserver
# set the secret key from the KeyCloak realm in the administrator console for the Social Application Keycloak

# Follow the configuration steps mentioned above for adding a superuser and configuring a client.

Code Format
The provided tox.ini files has a command tox -e format to format your code for you.
TODO Determine which grants are applicable.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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