asyncio-pause 0.5

Creator: coderz1093

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asynciopause 0.5

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Suspend the execution of your program for a given amount of time using asyncio. This works similarly to time.sleep, but uses your computers timestamp to track time, versus a counter.
For example, traditionally using time.sleep(3600), will pause the program for 60 minutes. If your computer goes into standby mode during minute one, and wakes up several hours later, your program will continue to be paused for 59 minutes.
On the other hand, with pause.seconds(3600), if your computer goes into standby mode for several hours, the program will continue immediately after the machine wakes back up since the minimum amount of time has passed since the pause was started.

How it works
When you create a pause, it will determine what the end time of that pause should be. Then a loop will be started that will continually check the current time against the end time. When the current time is equal or greater than the end time, the method will allow your program can resume.

The precision should be within 0.001 of a second, however, this will depend on how precise your system sleep is and other performance factors.
This module computes the pause duration between now and the future date, and then sleeps for half of this duration. After this time, it recomputes the new pause duration, repeating this process until the desired time is reached.

Download the source code and run the following command:
sudo python ./ install
Or, without downloading, install with pip:
sudo pip install asyncio-pause

Pause for half a second:
import asyncio-pause
await pause.milliseconds(500)
import asyncio-pause
await pause.seconds(0.5)
Pause for 1 minute:
import asyncio-pause
await pause.minutes(1)
Pause for 2 days:
import asyncio-pause
await pause.days(2)
Pause until a unix time, with millisecond precision:
import asyncio-pause
await pause.until(1370640569.7747359)
Pause using datetime:
import asyncio-pause, datetime
dt = datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 2, 14, 36, 34, 383752)
await pause.until(dt)


Pause for this many days

Pause for this many hours

Pause for this many milliseconds

Pause for this many minutes

Pause for this many seconds

Same as PauseFor.seconds()

Pause your program until a specific end time.
‘time’ is either a unix timestamp in seconds (i.e. seconds since Unix epoch) or datetime object

Pause for this many weeks


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