audiolibrix 0.3.4

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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audiolibrix 0.3.4

Audiolibrix Bindings for Python
A Python library for Audiolibrix's API v1 (via JSON format) to work with and order audiobooks from their catalogue.
The bindings allow you to:

Get the catalog of all books
Get single book details with links to previews
Create order for multiple books at once
Get download links for given books previously bought by a user

Since the documentation to the Audiolibrix service is marked as confidential there is no immediate plan to release this package as open-source. For now, to install the package using pip:
pip install audiolibrix

To install from source, run:
python install

To install via requirements file from your project, add the following for the moment before updating dependencies:

First off, you need to require the library and provide authentication information by providing your user handle and shared secret you got from the provider.
import audiolibrix
audiolibrix.api_credentials = ('test', '0000000000000000')

Getting catalogue is accomplished by calling audiolibrix.Catalogue.all() with optional arguments for listing through catalogue and for type of returned items, which can be either full (default), simple or price. The method returns dictionary with book IDs as keys and audiolibrix.Book objects as values.
audiolibrix.Catalogue.all(start=0, max=1, listing_type='full')

When getting specific book details you should use the audiolibrix.Book.get() method call with book_id as an argument. The method returns audiolibrix.Book object.

For reference, the beforementioned audiolibrix.Book object has the following structure (using the full listing type when getting the catalogue or when running the audiolibrix.Book.get() method directly).
'status': 'active',
'publisher': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Tympanum'},
'is_abridged': False,
'description': '...',
'language': 'cs',
'title': 'Alenka v kraji div\xfa',
'abstract': '...',
'ean': '8594072279010',
'published_on': datetime.datetime(2006, 10, 31, 0, 0),
'price': {'currency': 'EUR', 'amount': Decimal('7.2')},
'length_in_minutes': 180,
'samples': {
'mp3': {
'links': [{
'url': '',
'name': 'Alenka v kraji div\xfa'
'mime_type': 'audio/mpeg',
'format': 'MP3'
'image': {'url': '', 'version': 1},
'authors': ['Lewis Carroll'],
'narrators': [u'Ji\u0159\xed Ornest'],
'id': 1

To create a new order you need to run audiolibrix.Order.create() with list of Audiolibrix's book IDs, your unique order_id and the email address of the buyer as arguments.
books=[870, 980],

The method returns audiolibrix.Order object which looks the following:
'books': [870, 980],
'order_id': 1,
'user_email': ''

If you would like to get order details you call audiolibrix.Order.get() with your order ID as the only argument. The method returns dictionary with book IDs as keys and dictionaries with the following attributes:

format - File extension of download links, e.g. "mp3"
mime_type - Mime type of download links, e.g. "audio/mpeg"
links - List of dictionaries with url and filename attributes


Check for open issues or open a new issue for a feature request or a bug.
Fork the repository and make your changes to the master branch (or branch off of it).
Send a pull request.

v0.3.4: 31/01/2021
Allow setting default network request timeout and per-request timeouts as well. The timeouts are directly passed on to requests library used to execute the network requests to Audiolibrix's API.
v0.3.2: 08/01/2021
Move over to GitHub and finally drop Python 2 support.
v0.3.1: 09/10/2019
Send proper JSON to Audiolibrix service.
v0.3.0: 05/10/2019
Python 3 compatibility and various project formal changes to make everything better.
v0.2.2: 14/05/2019
Fix raising exception when response from Audiolibrix's API is not a valid JSON.
v0.2.1: 17/10/2015
When ordering multiple products always order their IDs in an ascending order so that the client application does not have to (otherwise we get InvalidSignsature error).
v0.2.0: 23/08/2015
Version bump with fixes for incorrect URL creating when listing items and stripping whitespace with author handling. API endpoint URL set to Audiolibrix production servers.
v0.1.0: 15/02/2015
Initial version with support for main API methods with the omission of getting specific user's orders.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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